Basal Cell On Face, Bioplasma Cell Salts Benefits, Mohs Skin Surgery, Basil Cell Carcinoma, Skin Disease Pictures, Lobular Carcinoma Invasive, Smooth Muscle Histology, Basal Cell, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

What the others don’t tell you about Basal Cell Carcinoma on your nose

I want to tell you my journey with Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), Skin Cancer, on the side of my nose. There were questions I had that I didn't really understand going into surgery, hopefully this will help you, a loved one, or a friend to be prepared. What did I see that made me have it looked at what did I not know and wish I had and what happened during and after my surgery My video below had all the details followed by some highlights and photos Below is my video and some more photos that…
Pat Sloan

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