
What Is a Blessingway?
What is a Blessingway? : Beautiful womanly rituals to prepare a woman for motherhood and help her realize the community she has! :: Baby Chick #blessingway #motherblessing #ceremonies #ritual #momtobe #mothertobe #celebrate #celebratemom #community #tribe #blessmomtobe
A Mama Blessing
Each woman ties a piece of cord that represents them around a candle for Mummy
"Priestesses Of The Moon is the most potent, powerful, and healing journey I have ever committed to. This journey guided me to tap into deep inner rhythms that were lost in the cultural conditioning that is upon us this day and age. Through these healing temple calls, so much ancient wisdom was surfaced, remembered, and revealed. Achintya and Ameya are true spirit guides. These women embody and inspire the essence that is with in us all to awaken, rise, surface, and be revealed. They are true...
Thank you so much to all of the amazing, vulnerable, and powerful women who journeyed with us over the past 7 days in our #sistersrisingleadershipcouncil. It has truly been a privilege to witness how you show up in the world and how the Goddess is rising within each of you. Humble prayers and blessings to you both. _ It is with great joy that we announce our 2 scholarship recipients for Priestesses of the Moon. Since the Goddess Isis was our Guide yesterday, we asked her to show us the tw...
Mimosa Books & Gifts Crystals & Gifts to Nourish Your Soul Madison WI
Goddess and Crystals - Mimosa Books & Gifts Did you know you can help connect to any goddess through crystals? This guide is meant to help you channel your inner goddess, by connecting with other Goddesses. CLICK IMAGE TO READ MORE!
A BLESSING WAY Bringing back the ancient ritual of a Womens' circle to celebrate her special occasion
A BLESSING WAY Bringing back the ancient ritual of a Womens' circle to celebrate her special occasion