Tack Goals

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Two Tone Floral Triangle Antique Silver Turquoise One Ear / Breastcollar #OEBC542 - ONE EAR TACK SET
One Ear and breastcollar is two tone floral triangle style. They are decorated with antique silver southwest turquoise western concho (W204L). One ear measure 44" bit to bit at the longest setting. The breastcollar is regular horse size. Buy Together or Separate ONE EAR ONLY - $185.00 BREASTCOLLAR ONLY - $250.00 ONE EAR TACK SET -$435.00
16 1/2" DC Cow Horse Gear custom versatility saddle with chestnut leather, floral / bamboo tooling, custom sterling and rust iron conchos, and Don Orrell Bocote stirrups
Whipstitch CopperTurquoise Browband / One Ear Tack Set #BBBC419 - ONE EAR ONLY
Dark Oil Turquoise Floral One Ear & Breastcollar Tack Set #OEBC433 - ONE EAR ONLY