Mother quotes....the meaning of Motherhood

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You are my son. I love you now and forever
I love you forever Alexander and I am proud of you...The number one man in my son
The Sweetest Daughter Ever
Exactly how I feel for my daughter. We have been through so much and iam so proud of her
Quotes That Make Me Happy | Today's the Best Day
Motherhood Quote <3 I love my daughter beyond words
Baby Carriers & Baby Wraps | Boba | Ergonomic Baby Wearing
The day I gave birth to my children was the most amazing days of my life. Even 24 years later...
Happy May 1st
My son will always be a hero to me. Our distance never changes how much I love you.
Smile! It's Good for Your Heart
I will have a few beautiful chapters. My children and my grandson
I love this, and have gone through it all. My children are grown now and miss those days so much. The lack of sleep, the hectic days, running around, dance classes, baseball games...I miss it all. Forever my babies