to inspire students

111 Pins
Accomplishment Inspirational Quote Postcard
A great reminder for everyone, "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try," is something that we often need to hear time and time again. With this design, my hope is that people will be able to spread this message and encourage each other in doing so.
Are you conscious of living, of being Alive? #amwriting (Amlokiblogs)
What a wonderful quote on writing.
@culturapositiva #CulturaPositiva #FrasesPositivas #MentePositiva #FrasesMotivadoras #Frases #Positivismo #FraseDelDia #BuenasVibras #Prioridades #PiensoEnPositivo #BuenaVibra #Optimismo #ViveFeliz #SerPositivo #MenteSana #Positivity #Inspiracion #ActitudPositiva #PensamientoPositivo #Consejos #Actitud #EnergiaPositiva #cosasdelavida #gratitud #creer #pensar #vida #controlar #recordar #decir
Niños Virtud póster
Este cartel colorido es una lista completa de todos los 12 de nuestras virtudes, sus frases y Antónimos. Los niños de VirtueVille se representan junto a cada virtud para una fácil referencia. La Virtu
2025 New Year's Activities - Resolutions Foldables and More! Updated Yearly!
New Year's Resolutions Foldable - Great activity to use before or after winter break to discuss goal setting with students! 3 versions of the foldable included, along with a short writing prompt, and bookmarks!