Precision Nutrition

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When the scale sucks: 7 better ways to know if your nutrition plan is working.
People interested in weight loss / body transformation often gauge their progress by the scale. But, at first, body weight isn't the best indicator. Here are 7 better ways to know if your nutrition plan is working, plus 4 downloadable tracking sheets to help you stay focused on what's important.
Answers to “Why Can’t I Sleep” and Other Frustrating Sleep Problems
Answers to “Why Can’t I Sleep?” and Other Sleep Problems - Precision Nutrition
Never press “pause” on your health and fitness again. This free tool is your secret weapon. [Infographic]
How to stop pressing "pause" on your health and fitness efforts. Plus 6 ways to use our ingenious “dial” method to keep making progress.
‘What should I eat?!’ Our 3-step guide for choosing the best foods for your body. [Infographic]
What Should I Eat? | Precision Nutrition
‘What should I drink?!’ Your complete guide to liquid nutrition. [Infographic]
What Should I Drink? | Precision Nutrition
Why working out causes weight gain. (And what to do about it).
Why working out causes weight gain. (And what to do about it).
Workout nutrition explained. What to eat before, during, and after exercise. - Precision Nutrition
Workout nutrition explained. What to eat before, during, and after exercise. - Precision Nutrition
[Infographic] Nutrition for injury recovery: Food and supplements to speed up healing.
Nutrition for injury recovery. [Infographic] Food and supplements to speed up healing.
Manufactured deliciousness: Why you can’t stop overeating certain foods (plus 3 strategies for getting control).
Why you can’t stop overeating + 3 tips for getting control
4 huge coaching mistakes that health and fitness professionals make every day. Plus, how to avoid them by becoming more client-centered.
Almost every health and fitness professional I've coached over the years has made the same four coaching mistakes with their clients. If you can be one of the few to avoid them, you'll stand out as a true super coach.
Conquer your cravings: Break the sinister cycle that makes you overeat and leaves you loaded with guilt
Learn the best ways to combine smart behavioral strategies with healthy junk food alternatives to control your cravings for good.
Nearly 1 million data points show what it REALLY takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body.
What it REALLY takes to lose fat, get healthy, and change your body. | Precision Nutrition
8 ways to optimize your immunity and protect your health. [Infographic]
Use these daily habits to help reduce your exposure to pathogens, optimize your immune function over time, and better prepare your body to fight off foreign invaders.