Plant Profiles

Plant information and growing guides for plants.
19 Pins
Scabiosa columbaria - Pincushion Flower - The Curious Gardener
Scabiosa columbaria - Pincushion Flower - The Curious Gardener
Rondeletia amoena (syn. Rogiera amoena) - Rondeletia - The Curious Gardener
Rondeletia amoena (syn. Rogiera amoena) - Rondeletia - The Curious Gardener
Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Devon Skies' - The Curious Gardener
Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Devon Skies' - The Curious Gardener
Aquilegia caerulea - Columbine - The Curious Gardener
Aquilegia caerulea - Columbine - The Curious Gardener
Tulbaghia violacea - Society Garlic - The Curious Gardener
Tulbaghia violacea - Society Garlic - The Curious Gardener
Backhousia citriodora - Lemon Scented Myrtle - The Curious Gardener
Backhousia citriodora - Lemon Scented Myrtle - The Curious Gardener
Acanthus mollis - Oyster Plant - The Curious Gardener
Acanthus mollis - Oyster Plant - The Curious Gardener
Brunfelsia latifolia - Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow - The Curious Gardener
Brunfelsia latifolia - Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow - The Curious Gardener
Leucospermum cordifolium - Pincushion Plant - The Curious Gardener
Leucospermum cordifolium - Pincushion Plant - The Curious Gardener
Pachystachys lutea - Golden Candles - The Curious Gardener
Pachystachys lutea - Golden Candles - The Curious Gardener
Helichrysum petiolare - Licorice Plant - The Curious Gardener
Helichrysum petiolare - Licorice Plant - The Curious Gardener
Justicia brandegeeana - Shrimp Plant - The Curious Gardener
Justicia brandegeeana - Shrimp Plant - The Curious Gardener
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' - The Curious Gardener
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' - The Curious Gardener
Orange Jessamine / Mock Orange - Murraya paniculata
Murraya (Murraya paniculata) is a well-known and much loved plant by Australian gardeners.