Neotraditional Tattoos

Neotraditional Tattoos by Swiss Tattoo Artist Alberto Oreno, Belle Arti Tattoo @_bellearti
10 Pins
Neotraditional bird and tarot card tattoo in progress #colortattoo by #swisstattooartist @_belleartitattoo
Neotraditional legsleeve tattoo in progress #colortattoo #puma by #swisstattooartist @_belleartitattoo
Puma tattoo legsleeve neotraditional tattoo by tattoo artist @_belleartitattoo #inkaddict
Legsleeve tattoo with snake and peonies by @_bellearti #snake #flower #neotraditional #tattoo #linework #swisstattooartist #ink
Neotraditional legtattoo hand with tarot card and bird by @_bellearti #legsleeve #neotraditional #tattoo #linework #swisstattooartist #ink
#inkaddict Tattoo by @_bellearti #workinprogress #snake #flowers #neotraditional