Wizarding places

Hogwarts , Diagon Alley , Knocktrun Alley , Leaky Cauldron , Hogsmade , Malfoy Manor , Riddle Manor , Hagrid's Hut , King's Sation Platform 9-3/4 , Hogwarts Express , The Burrow , Godric's Hollow , Dean's Forest , The Forbiden Forest , Number 12 Grimauld place , Ministery Of Magic , Azkaban Prison , Congress Of Magic , Little Hangleton , Shell Cotage , Shierking Shack , Hagrid's Hut , zonko's Shop , Spinners End , St Mongu Hospital For Magical Maladies and Injuries , Drumstrang Institute , Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic , Ilvermorany , Mahoutokoro , Ugandou , Castelobruxo Goldestein Residence , The Blind Pig , Kowalski Qaulity Baked Goods , Houes of Niclolas Flamel , Inside Newt Scamader's Case , Circus Arcanus , The French Ministry Of Magic The Cemetery ( Of Fantastic Beats ) Privet Drive , Gringotts Bank
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