The performance characteristics of a heat rectifier and a heat pump are studied in a non-Markovia... more The performance characteristics of a heat rectifier and a heat pump are studied in a non-Markovian framework. The device is constructed from a molecule connected to a hot and cold reservoir. The heat baths are modelled using the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian method. The molecule is modelled by an asymmetric double-well potential. Each well is semi-locally connected to a heat bath composed of spins. The dynamics are driven by a combined system-bath Hamiltonian. The temperature of the baths is regulated by a secondary spin bath composed of identical spins in thermal equilibrium. A random swap operation exchange spins between the primary and secondary baths. The combined system is studied in various system-bath coupling strengths. In all cases, the average heat current always flows from the hot towards the cold bath in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics. The asymmetry of the double well generates a rectifying effect, meaning that when the left and right baths are exchanged the heat current follows the hot-to-cold direction. The heat current is larger when the high frequency is coupled to the hot bath. Adding an external driving field can reverse the transport direction. Such a refrigeration effect is modelled by a periodic driving field in resonance with the frequency difference of the two potential wells. A minimal driving amplitude is required to overcome the heat leak effect. In the strong driving regime the cooling power is non-monotonic with the system-bath coupling.
Thermal Markovian dynamics is typically obtained by coupling a system to a sufficiently hot bath ... more Thermal Markovian dynamics is typically obtained by coupling a system to a sufficiently hot bath with a large heat capacity. Here we present a scheme for inducing Markovian dynamics using an arbitrarily small and cold heat bath. The scheme is based on injecting phase noise to the small bath. Markovianity emerges when the dephasing rate is larger than the system-bath coupling. Several unique signatures of small baths are studied. We discuss realizations in ion traps and superconducting qubits and show that it is possible to create an ideal setting where the system dynamics is indifferent to the internal bath dynamics.
Quantum dynamics of driven open systems should be compatible with both quantum mechanic and therm... more Quantum dynamics of driven open systems should be compatible with both quantum mechanic and thermodynamic principles. By formulating the thermodynamic principles in terms of a set of postulates we obtain a thermodynamically consistent master equation. Following an axiomatic approach, we base the analysis on an autonomous description, incorporating the drive as a large transient control quantum system. In the appropriate physical limit, we derive the semi-classical description, where the control is incorporated as a time-dependent term in the system Hamiltonian. The transition to the semiclassical description reflects the conservation of global coherence and highlights the crucial role of coherence in the initial control state. We demonstrate the theory by analyzing a qubit controlled by a single bosonic mode in a coherent state.
A novel laser cooling mechanism based on many body effects is presented. The method can be applic... more A novel laser cooling mechanism based on many body effects is presented. The method can be applicable for cooling a large class of atoms and molecules in higher density than commonly excepted by existing methods. The cooling mechanism relies on the collective encounters of particle and light. Stochastic events between the particles and photons as well as a collective effect give rise to energy transfer between these media. Such mechanism relies on multiple light-matter encounters, therefore requiring a sufficient particle density, ρ ∼ 10 14 cm −3. This is an advantage for experiments where high phase space density is required. A second tuning laser can be added increasing the applicability to many types of atoms and molecules. This tuning laser changes the inter-particle potential by inducing an AC stark effect. As a result the required trapping density can be reduced down to ρ ∼ 10 6 cm −3. Simulations of phase space distributions were performed comparing different particle densities, trap potentials and light field intensity profiles. The modelling shows efficient cooling rates up to 10 2 K/s for a dense ensemble of 87 Rb atoms, and cooling rates up to 6 • 10 2 K/s when adding an additional tuning source.
An experiment based on a trapped Ytterbium ion validates the inertial theorem for the SU (2) alge... more An experiment based on a trapped Ytterbium ion validates the inertial theorem for the SU (2) algebra. The qubit is encoded within the hyperfine states of the atom and controlled by RF fields. The inertial theorem generates an analytical solution for non-adiabatically driven systems that are 'accelerated' slowly, bridging the gap between the sudden and adiabatic limits. These solutions are shown to be stable to small deviations, both experimentally and theoretically. As a result, the inertial solutions pave the way to rapid quantum control of closed, as well as open quantum systems. For large deviations from the inertial condition, the amplitude diverges while the phase remains accurate.
We present a new theorem describing stable solutions for a driven quantum system. The theorem, co... more We present a new theorem describing stable solutions for a driven quantum system. The theorem, coined 'inertial theorem', is applicable for fast driving, provided the acceleration rate is small. The theorem states that in the inertial limit eigenoperators of the propagator remain invariant throughout the dynamics, accumulating dynamical and geometric phases. The proof of the theorem utilizes the structure of Liouville space and a closed Lie algebra of operators. We demonstrate applications of the theorem by studying three explicit solutions of a harmonic oscillator, a two-level and three-level system models. These examples demonstrate that the inertial solution is superior to that obtained with the adiabatic approximation. Inertial protocols can be combined to generate a new family of solutions. The inertial theorem is then employed to extend the validity of the Markovian Master equation to strongly driven open quantum systems. In addition, we explore the consequence of new geometric phases associated with the driving parameters.
Thermal Markovian dynamics is typically obtained by coupling a system to a sufficiently hot bath ... more Thermal Markovian dynamics is typically obtained by coupling a system to a sufficiently hot bath with a large heat capacity. Here we present a scheme for inducing Markovian dynamics using an arbitrarily small and cold heat bath. The scheme is based on injecting phase noise to the small bath. Several unique signatures of small bath are studied. We discuss realizations in ion traps and superconducting qubits and show that it is possible to create an ideal setting where the system dynamics is indifferent to the internal bath dynamics.
We derive generic upper bounds on the rate of purity change and entropy increase for open quantum... more We derive generic upper bounds on the rate of purity change and entropy increase for open quantum systems. These bounds depend solely on the generators of the nonunitary dynamics and are independent of the particular states of the systems. They are thus perfectly suited to investigate dephasing and thermalization processes of arbitrary systems. We apply these results to single and multiple dephasing channels, to a problem of quantum control in the presence of noise, and to cooling.
A dynamical symmetry is employed to determine the structure of the quantum non-Markovian time-loc... more A dynamical symmetry is employed to determine the structure of the quantum non-Markovian time-local master equation. Such a structure is composed from two components: scalar kinetic coefficients and the standard quantum Markovian operator form. The kinetic coefficients are generally time-dependent and incorporate information on the kinematics and memory effects, while the operators manifest the dynamical symmetry. Specifically, we focus on time-translation symmetric dynamics, where the Lindblad jump operators constitute the eigenoperators of the free dynamics. This symmetry is motivated by thermodynamic microscopic considerations, where strict energy conservation between system and environment imposes the time-translation symmetry. The construction is generalized to other symmetries, and to driven quantum systems. The formalism is illustrated by three exactly solvable non-Markovian models, where the exact reduced description exhibits a dynamical symmetric structure. The formal structure of the master equation leads to a first principle calculation of the exact kinetic coefficients. This opens the possibility to simulate in a modular fashion non-Markovian dynamics.
We present an experimental scheme which combines the well established method of velocity-mapimagi... more We present an experimental scheme which combines the well established method of velocity-mapimaging, with a cold trapped metastable neon target. The device is used for obtaining the branching ratios and recoil-ion energy distributions for the penning ionization process in optical collisions of ultracold metastable neon. The potential depth of the highly excited dimer potential is extracted and compared with theoretical calculations. The simplicity to construct, characterize, and apply such a device, makes it a unique tool for the low-energy nuclear physics community, enabling opportunities for precision measurements in nuclear decays of cold, trapped, short-lived radioactive isotopes.
An efficient algorithm to simulate dynamics of open quantum system is presented. The method descr... more An efficient algorithm to simulate dynamics of open quantum system is presented. The method describes the dynamics by unraveling stochastic wave functions converging to a density operator description. The stochastic techniques are based on the quantum collision model. Modeling systems dynamics with wave functions and modeling the interaction with the environment with a collision sequence reduces the scale of the complexity significantly. The algorithm developed can be implemented on quantum computers. We introduce stochastic methods that exploit statistical characteristics of the model such as Markovianity, Brownian motion, and binary distribution. The central limit theorem is employed to study the convergence of distributions of stochastic dynamics of pure quantum states represented by wave vectors. By averaging a sample of functions in the distribution we prove and demonstrate the convergence of the dynamics to the mixed quantum state described by a density operator.
Quantum optimal control, a toolbox for devising and implementing the shapes of external fields th... more Quantum optimal control, a toolbox for devising and implementing the shapes of external fields that accomplish given tasks in the operation of a quantum device in the best way possible, has evolved into one of the cornerstones for enabling quantum technologies. The last few years have seen a rapid evolution and expansion of the field. We review here recent progress in our understanding of the controllability of open quantum systems and in the development and application of quantum control techniques to quantum technologies. We also address key challenges and sketch a roadmap for future developments.
We present a new theorem describing stable solutions for a driven quantum system. The theorem, co... more We present a new theorem describing stable solutions for a driven quantum system. The theorem, coined `inertial theorem', is applicable for fast driving, provided the acceleration rate is small. The theorem states that in the inertial limit eigenoperators of the propagator remain invariant throughout the dynamics, accumulating dynamical and geometric phases. The proof of the theorem utilizes the structure of Liouville space and a closed Lie algebra of operators. We demonstrate the theorem by studying three explicit solutions of a harmonic oscillator, a two-level and three-level system models. These examples demonstrate that the inertial solution is superior to that obtained with the adiabatic approximation. The inertial theorem is then employed to extend the validity of the Markovian Master equation to strongly driven open quantum systems. In addition, we explore the consequence of new geometric phases associated with the driving parameters.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2018
A novel laser cooling mechanism based on many body effects is presented. The method can be applic... more A novel laser cooling mechanism based on many body effects is presented. The method can be applicable for cooling a large class of atoms and molecules in higher density than commonly excepted by existing methods. The cooling mechanism relies on the collective encounters of particle and light. Stochastic events between the particles and photons as well as a collective effect give rise to energy transfer between these media. Such mechanism relies on multiple light-matter encounters, therefore requiring a sufficient particle density, ρ ∼ 10 14 cm −3. This is an advantage for experiments where high phase space density is required. A second tuning laser can be added increasing the applicability to many types of atoms and molecules. This tuning laser changes the inter-particle potential by inducing an AC stark effect. As a result the required trapping density can be reduced down to ρ ∼ 10 6 cm −3. Simulations of phase space distributions were performed comparing different particle densities, trap potentials and light field intensity profiles. The modelling shows efficient cooling rates up to 10 2 K/s for a dense ensemble of 87 Rb atoms, and cooling rates up to 6 • 10 2 K/s when adding an additional tuning source.
View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Maximizing entanglement in ... more View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Maximizing entanglement in bosonic Josephson junctions using shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control Dionisis Stefanatos and Emmanuel Paspalakis-Shortcuts to adiabaticity for an ion in a rotating radially-tight trap M Palmero, Shuo Wang, D Guéry-Odelin et al.-Verification of the quantum nonequilibrium work relation in the presence of decoherence Andrew Smith, Yao Lu, Shuoming An et al.
We present a procedure to accelerate the relaxation of an open quantum system towards its equilib... more We present a procedure to accelerate the relaxation of an open quantum system towards its equilibrium state. The control protocol, termed Shortcut to Equilibration, is obtained by reverseengineering the non-adiabatic master equation. This is a non-unitary control task aimed at rapidly changing the entropy of the system. Such a protocol serves as a shortcut to an abrupt change in the Hamiltonian, i.e., a quench. As an example, we study the thermalization of a particle in a harmonic well. We observe that for short protocols the accuracy improves by three orders of magnitude.
We show that the inability of a quantum Otto cycle to reach a limit cycle is connected with the p... more We show that the inability of a quantum Otto cycle to reach a limit cycle is connected with the propagator of the cycle being non-compact. For a working fluid consisting of quantum harmonic oscillators, the transition point in parameter space where this instability occurs is associated with a non-hermitian degeneracy (exceptional point) of the eigenvalues of the propagator. In particular, a third-order exceptional point is observed at the transition from the region where the eigenvalues are complex numbers to the region where all the eigenvalues are real. Within this region we find another exceptional point, this time of second order, at which the trajectory becomes divergent. The onset of the divergent behavior corresponds to the modulus of one of the eigenvalues becoming larger than one. The physical origin of this phenomenon is that the hot and cold heat baths are unable to dissipate the frictional internal heat generated in the adiabatic strokes of the cycle. This behavior is contrasted with that of quantum spins as working fluid which have a compact Hamiltonian and thus no exceptional points. All arguments are rigorously proved in terms of the systems' associated Lie algebras.
One of the defining properties of an open quantum system is the variation of its purity in time. ... more One of the defining properties of an open quantum system is the variation of its purity in time. We derive speed limits on the rate of purity change for systems coupled to a Markovian environment. Our speed limits are based on Liouville space where density matrices are represented as vectors. This approach leads to speed limits that are always tighter compared to their parallel speed limits in Hilbert space. These bounds depend solely on the generators of the nonunitary dynamics and are independent of the particular states of the systems. Thus, they are perfectly suited to investigate dephasing, thermalization, and decorrelation processes of arbitrary states. We show that our speed limits can be attained and are therefore tight. As an application of our results we study correlation loss, and the speed of classical and quantum correlation erasure in multi-particle system.
It is control that turns scientific knowledge into useful technology: in physics and engineering ... more It is control that turns scientific knowledge into useful technology: in physics and engineering it provides a systematic way for driving a dynamical system from a given initial state into a desired target state with minimized expenditure of energy and resources. As one of the cornerstones for enabling quantum technologies, optimal quantum control keeps evolving and expanding into areas as diverse as quantumenhanced sensing, manipulation of single spins, photons, or atoms, optical spectroscopy, photochemistry, magnetic resonance (spectroscopy as well as medical imaging), quantum information processing and quantum simulation. In this communication, state-of-the-art quantum control techniques are reviewed and put into perspective by a consortium of experts in optimal control theory and applications to spectroscopy, imaging, as well as quantum dynamics of closed and open systems. We address key challenges and sketch a roadmap for future developments.
The performance characteristics of a heat rectifier and a heat pump are studied in a non-Markovia... more The performance characteristics of a heat rectifier and a heat pump are studied in a non-Markovian framework. The device is constructed from a molecule connected to a hot and cold reservoir. The heat baths are modelled using the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian method. The molecule is modelled by an asymmetric double-well potential. Each well is semi-locally connected to a heat bath composed of spins. The dynamics are driven by a combined system-bath Hamiltonian. The temperature of the baths is regulated by a secondary spin bath composed of identical spins in thermal equilibrium. A random swap operation exchange spins between the primary and secondary baths. The combined system is studied in various system-bath coupling strengths. In all cases, the average heat current always flows from the hot towards the cold bath in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics. The asymmetry of the double well generates a rectifying effect, meaning that when the left and right baths are exchanged the heat current follows the hot-to-cold direction. The heat current is larger when the high frequency is coupled to the hot bath. Adding an external driving field can reverse the transport direction. Such a refrigeration effect is modelled by a periodic driving field in resonance with the frequency difference of the two potential wells. A minimal driving amplitude is required to overcome the heat leak effect. In the strong driving regime the cooling power is non-monotonic with the system-bath coupling.
Thermal Markovian dynamics is typically obtained by coupling a system to a sufficiently hot bath ... more Thermal Markovian dynamics is typically obtained by coupling a system to a sufficiently hot bath with a large heat capacity. Here we present a scheme for inducing Markovian dynamics using an arbitrarily small and cold heat bath. The scheme is based on injecting phase noise to the small bath. Markovianity emerges when the dephasing rate is larger than the system-bath coupling. Several unique signatures of small baths are studied. We discuss realizations in ion traps and superconducting qubits and show that it is possible to create an ideal setting where the system dynamics is indifferent to the internal bath dynamics.
Quantum dynamics of driven open systems should be compatible with both quantum mechanic and therm... more Quantum dynamics of driven open systems should be compatible with both quantum mechanic and thermodynamic principles. By formulating the thermodynamic principles in terms of a set of postulates we obtain a thermodynamically consistent master equation. Following an axiomatic approach, we base the analysis on an autonomous description, incorporating the drive as a large transient control quantum system. In the appropriate physical limit, we derive the semi-classical description, where the control is incorporated as a time-dependent term in the system Hamiltonian. The transition to the semiclassical description reflects the conservation of global coherence and highlights the crucial role of coherence in the initial control state. We demonstrate the theory by analyzing a qubit controlled by a single bosonic mode in a coherent state.
A novel laser cooling mechanism based on many body effects is presented. The method can be applic... more A novel laser cooling mechanism based on many body effects is presented. The method can be applicable for cooling a large class of atoms and molecules in higher density than commonly excepted by existing methods. The cooling mechanism relies on the collective encounters of particle and light. Stochastic events between the particles and photons as well as a collective effect give rise to energy transfer between these media. Such mechanism relies on multiple light-matter encounters, therefore requiring a sufficient particle density, ρ ∼ 10 14 cm −3. This is an advantage for experiments where high phase space density is required. A second tuning laser can be added increasing the applicability to many types of atoms and molecules. This tuning laser changes the inter-particle potential by inducing an AC stark effect. As a result the required trapping density can be reduced down to ρ ∼ 10 6 cm −3. Simulations of phase space distributions were performed comparing different particle densities, trap potentials and light field intensity profiles. The modelling shows efficient cooling rates up to 10 2 K/s for a dense ensemble of 87 Rb atoms, and cooling rates up to 6 • 10 2 K/s when adding an additional tuning source.
An experiment based on a trapped Ytterbium ion validates the inertial theorem for the SU (2) alge... more An experiment based on a trapped Ytterbium ion validates the inertial theorem for the SU (2) algebra. The qubit is encoded within the hyperfine states of the atom and controlled by RF fields. The inertial theorem generates an analytical solution for non-adiabatically driven systems that are 'accelerated' slowly, bridging the gap between the sudden and adiabatic limits. These solutions are shown to be stable to small deviations, both experimentally and theoretically. As a result, the inertial solutions pave the way to rapid quantum control of closed, as well as open quantum systems. For large deviations from the inertial condition, the amplitude diverges while the phase remains accurate.
We present a new theorem describing stable solutions for a driven quantum system. The theorem, co... more We present a new theorem describing stable solutions for a driven quantum system. The theorem, coined 'inertial theorem', is applicable for fast driving, provided the acceleration rate is small. The theorem states that in the inertial limit eigenoperators of the propagator remain invariant throughout the dynamics, accumulating dynamical and geometric phases. The proof of the theorem utilizes the structure of Liouville space and a closed Lie algebra of operators. We demonstrate applications of the theorem by studying three explicit solutions of a harmonic oscillator, a two-level and three-level system models. These examples demonstrate that the inertial solution is superior to that obtained with the adiabatic approximation. Inertial protocols can be combined to generate a new family of solutions. The inertial theorem is then employed to extend the validity of the Markovian Master equation to strongly driven open quantum systems. In addition, we explore the consequence of new geometric phases associated with the driving parameters.
Thermal Markovian dynamics is typically obtained by coupling a system to a sufficiently hot bath ... more Thermal Markovian dynamics is typically obtained by coupling a system to a sufficiently hot bath with a large heat capacity. Here we present a scheme for inducing Markovian dynamics using an arbitrarily small and cold heat bath. The scheme is based on injecting phase noise to the small bath. Several unique signatures of small bath are studied. We discuss realizations in ion traps and superconducting qubits and show that it is possible to create an ideal setting where the system dynamics is indifferent to the internal bath dynamics.
We derive generic upper bounds on the rate of purity change and entropy increase for open quantum... more We derive generic upper bounds on the rate of purity change and entropy increase for open quantum systems. These bounds depend solely on the generators of the nonunitary dynamics and are independent of the particular states of the systems. They are thus perfectly suited to investigate dephasing and thermalization processes of arbitrary systems. We apply these results to single and multiple dephasing channels, to a problem of quantum control in the presence of noise, and to cooling.
A dynamical symmetry is employed to determine the structure of the quantum non-Markovian time-loc... more A dynamical symmetry is employed to determine the structure of the quantum non-Markovian time-local master equation. Such a structure is composed from two components: scalar kinetic coefficients and the standard quantum Markovian operator form. The kinetic coefficients are generally time-dependent and incorporate information on the kinematics and memory effects, while the operators manifest the dynamical symmetry. Specifically, we focus on time-translation symmetric dynamics, where the Lindblad jump operators constitute the eigenoperators of the free dynamics. This symmetry is motivated by thermodynamic microscopic considerations, where strict energy conservation between system and environment imposes the time-translation symmetry. The construction is generalized to other symmetries, and to driven quantum systems. The formalism is illustrated by three exactly solvable non-Markovian models, where the exact reduced description exhibits a dynamical symmetric structure. The formal structure of the master equation leads to a first principle calculation of the exact kinetic coefficients. This opens the possibility to simulate in a modular fashion non-Markovian dynamics.
We present an experimental scheme which combines the well established method of velocity-mapimagi... more We present an experimental scheme which combines the well established method of velocity-mapimaging, with a cold trapped metastable neon target. The device is used for obtaining the branching ratios and recoil-ion energy distributions for the penning ionization process in optical collisions of ultracold metastable neon. The potential depth of the highly excited dimer potential is extracted and compared with theoretical calculations. The simplicity to construct, characterize, and apply such a device, makes it a unique tool for the low-energy nuclear physics community, enabling opportunities for precision measurements in nuclear decays of cold, trapped, short-lived radioactive isotopes.
An efficient algorithm to simulate dynamics of open quantum system is presented. The method descr... more An efficient algorithm to simulate dynamics of open quantum system is presented. The method describes the dynamics by unraveling stochastic wave functions converging to a density operator description. The stochastic techniques are based on the quantum collision model. Modeling systems dynamics with wave functions and modeling the interaction with the environment with a collision sequence reduces the scale of the complexity significantly. The algorithm developed can be implemented on quantum computers. We introduce stochastic methods that exploit statistical characteristics of the model such as Markovianity, Brownian motion, and binary distribution. The central limit theorem is employed to study the convergence of distributions of stochastic dynamics of pure quantum states represented by wave vectors. By averaging a sample of functions in the distribution we prove and demonstrate the convergence of the dynamics to the mixed quantum state described by a density operator.
Quantum optimal control, a toolbox for devising and implementing the shapes of external fields th... more Quantum optimal control, a toolbox for devising and implementing the shapes of external fields that accomplish given tasks in the operation of a quantum device in the best way possible, has evolved into one of the cornerstones for enabling quantum technologies. The last few years have seen a rapid evolution and expansion of the field. We review here recent progress in our understanding of the controllability of open quantum systems and in the development and application of quantum control techniques to quantum technologies. We also address key challenges and sketch a roadmap for future developments.
We present a new theorem describing stable solutions for a driven quantum system. The theorem, co... more We present a new theorem describing stable solutions for a driven quantum system. The theorem, coined `inertial theorem', is applicable for fast driving, provided the acceleration rate is small. The theorem states that in the inertial limit eigenoperators of the propagator remain invariant throughout the dynamics, accumulating dynamical and geometric phases. The proof of the theorem utilizes the structure of Liouville space and a closed Lie algebra of operators. We demonstrate the theorem by studying three explicit solutions of a harmonic oscillator, a two-level and three-level system models. These examples demonstrate that the inertial solution is superior to that obtained with the adiabatic approximation. The inertial theorem is then employed to extend the validity of the Markovian Master equation to strongly driven open quantum systems. In addition, we explore the consequence of new geometric phases associated with the driving parameters.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2018
A novel laser cooling mechanism based on many body effects is presented. The method can be applic... more A novel laser cooling mechanism based on many body effects is presented. The method can be applicable for cooling a large class of atoms and molecules in higher density than commonly excepted by existing methods. The cooling mechanism relies on the collective encounters of particle and light. Stochastic events between the particles and photons as well as a collective effect give rise to energy transfer between these media. Such mechanism relies on multiple light-matter encounters, therefore requiring a sufficient particle density, ρ ∼ 10 14 cm −3. This is an advantage for experiments where high phase space density is required. A second tuning laser can be added increasing the applicability to many types of atoms and molecules. This tuning laser changes the inter-particle potential by inducing an AC stark effect. As a result the required trapping density can be reduced down to ρ ∼ 10 6 cm −3. Simulations of phase space distributions were performed comparing different particle densities, trap potentials and light field intensity profiles. The modelling shows efficient cooling rates up to 10 2 K/s for a dense ensemble of 87 Rb atoms, and cooling rates up to 6 • 10 2 K/s when adding an additional tuning source.
View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Maximizing entanglement in ... more View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Maximizing entanglement in bosonic Josephson junctions using shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control Dionisis Stefanatos and Emmanuel Paspalakis-Shortcuts to adiabaticity for an ion in a rotating radially-tight trap M Palmero, Shuo Wang, D Guéry-Odelin et al.-Verification of the quantum nonequilibrium work relation in the presence of decoherence Andrew Smith, Yao Lu, Shuoming An et al.
We present a procedure to accelerate the relaxation of an open quantum system towards its equilib... more We present a procedure to accelerate the relaxation of an open quantum system towards its equilibrium state. The control protocol, termed Shortcut to Equilibration, is obtained by reverseengineering the non-adiabatic master equation. This is a non-unitary control task aimed at rapidly changing the entropy of the system. Such a protocol serves as a shortcut to an abrupt change in the Hamiltonian, i.e., a quench. As an example, we study the thermalization of a particle in a harmonic well. We observe that for short protocols the accuracy improves by three orders of magnitude.
We show that the inability of a quantum Otto cycle to reach a limit cycle is connected with the p... more We show that the inability of a quantum Otto cycle to reach a limit cycle is connected with the propagator of the cycle being non-compact. For a working fluid consisting of quantum harmonic oscillators, the transition point in parameter space where this instability occurs is associated with a non-hermitian degeneracy (exceptional point) of the eigenvalues of the propagator. In particular, a third-order exceptional point is observed at the transition from the region where the eigenvalues are complex numbers to the region where all the eigenvalues are real. Within this region we find another exceptional point, this time of second order, at which the trajectory becomes divergent. The onset of the divergent behavior corresponds to the modulus of one of the eigenvalues becoming larger than one. The physical origin of this phenomenon is that the hot and cold heat baths are unable to dissipate the frictional internal heat generated in the adiabatic strokes of the cycle. This behavior is contrasted with that of quantum spins as working fluid which have a compact Hamiltonian and thus no exceptional points. All arguments are rigorously proved in terms of the systems' associated Lie algebras.
One of the defining properties of an open quantum system is the variation of its purity in time. ... more One of the defining properties of an open quantum system is the variation of its purity in time. We derive speed limits on the rate of purity change for systems coupled to a Markovian environment. Our speed limits are based on Liouville space where density matrices are represented as vectors. This approach leads to speed limits that are always tighter compared to their parallel speed limits in Hilbert space. These bounds depend solely on the generators of the nonunitary dynamics and are independent of the particular states of the systems. Thus, they are perfectly suited to investigate dephasing, thermalization, and decorrelation processes of arbitrary states. We show that our speed limits can be attained and are therefore tight. As an application of our results we study correlation loss, and the speed of classical and quantum correlation erasure in multi-particle system.
It is control that turns scientific knowledge into useful technology: in physics and engineering ... more It is control that turns scientific knowledge into useful technology: in physics and engineering it provides a systematic way for driving a dynamical system from a given initial state into a desired target state with minimized expenditure of energy and resources. As one of the cornerstones for enabling quantum technologies, optimal quantum control keeps evolving and expanding into areas as diverse as quantumenhanced sensing, manipulation of single spins, photons, or atoms, optical spectroscopy, photochemistry, magnetic resonance (spectroscopy as well as medical imaging), quantum information processing and quantum simulation. In this communication, state-of-the-art quantum control techniques are reviewed and put into perspective by a consortium of experts in optimal control theory and applications to spectroscopy, imaging, as well as quantum dynamics of closed and open systems. We address key challenges and sketch a roadmap for future developments.
Papers by Ronnie Kosloff