Dream Babies: Multiples 2-8

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Reality sextuplets dad Bryan Masche arrested for domestic violence
The new Jon & Kate Plus 8 couple, Jenny and Bryan Masche are already making headlines. The pair gave birth to sextuplets January 2008 and now they have their own TLC show, Raising Sextuplets, which airs after Kate Plus 8. Bryan is inciting scandal a little more severe than Jon’s drinking and hooking up with college students: he was arrested on domestic violence charges. 32-year-old Masche was visiting family in Arizone when he “was arrested after allegedly threatening his family and beginning
Quadruplets Set a Medical Record: The First Conceived Naturally From Four Separate Eggs - LifeNews.com
Our four leaf clover--Grayson, Capri, Xayden and Ryder