
21 Pins
3pcs Tropical Leaf Print Unframed Painting
Multicolor Collar Chemical Fiber Unframed Painting Embellished Home Decor
Blooming Cactus in a Pink Pot with Flowers, Watercolor Drawing Stock Illustration - Illustration of pink, botany: 153227003
11K views · 419 reactions | Painting loose watercolor florals is super fun but what if you can use all of the fun colors at once?! In this short video, I show you exactly how to add a second layer over the top, bringing this vibrant piece to life. What do you think? Yay or nay on the multicolored petals? #watercolorpainting #watercolorflorals #rainbowflowers #rainbowpainting #looseflorals #watercolorforbeginners #tammykayeart | Tammy Kaye Art | Del · Cold Sun
11K views · 419 reactions | Painting loose watercolor florals is super fun but what if you can use all of the fun colors at once?! In this short video, I show you exactly how to add a second layer over the top, bringing this vibrant piece to life. What do you think? Yay or nay on the multicolored petals? #watercolorpainting #watercolorflorals #rainbowflowers #rainbowpainting #looseflorals #watercolorforbeginners #tammykayeart | Tammy Kaye Art | Del · Cold Sun
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