This board is dedicate to all the Haters, non-believers, Irrelevant, low self esteem, negative vibes, jealous hearted, attention seeking, unhappy, mad miserable creatures I dedicated this one for you get well soon I'm praying for u! Ignore the hate, ignore the fake, ignore the funny shit!!
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Quotes to live by!
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Charlotte Interior Designer | Amy Vermillion | Interior Design Charlotte
Ur insecurities are showing big time by talking about cameras and dogs...no one cares. U might be real suprised to see there is NO fake trip lol. Josh really needs to know the truth he's prolly the only person that can help u and persuade u to quit the childish games! I mean ur a mother so act like one
haters hate themselves because they believe they are not as good as you. and when they’re assholes, i cannot help but completely agree with them.
Career Contessa | Career Counseling & Job Search Site for Women
Don't worry. #JLaw #ContessaQuotes
Exactly bitch. Your jealously is pathetic. You still want what you can't have!
But yet they try to be just like me, from the retarded things I say, to the pranks I pull, to the clothes I wear.... but you keep "hating" me baaaaahahaha you could never be me