K1 2019

37 Pins
10,009 Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur Stock Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from Dreamstime - Page 10
Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur Stock Photos, Images, & Pictures – (3,313 Images) - Page 10
21 Landforms for Kids Activities and Lesson Plans - Teach Junkie
21 Landforms for Kids Activities and Lesson Plans -Matching Landforms and Descriptions - Teach Junkie
The Scientific Method
Scientific Method Song....lol...yeah, I can see myself rapping to the class....but, whatever it takes:)
This Page Does Not Exist - Rookie Parenting
FGreat chart to use to tackle the SCIENTIFIC METHOD with primary students. This anchor chart explains the steps scientists use. It incorporates WHOLE BRAIN teaching when explaining these steps to students. Unfamiliar words like HYPOTHESIS can be very tricky to say, let alone understand.
Need a great Story Map? Look no further!
Great story map idea. By using sticky notes, you can have the poster permanently displayed, using it all school year long for every book you read.
When we learn we grow! Spring classroom door decoration for any preschool or primary classroom!
35+ Excellent DIY Classroom Decoration Ideas & Themes to Inspire You
Surprising classroom decoration ideas for teachers day #classroom #ClassroomDecorPreschool #ClassDecorationIdeas #ClassDecorationPreschool