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Byblos syllabary - Wikipedia
Byblos syllabary, also known as the Pseudo-hieroglyphic script, Proto-Byblian, Proto-Byblic, or Byblic,undeciphered writing system : Sign list :Each cell shows a sign (upper left), its Dunand code number (lower left), its frequency (lower right), and indicates (upper right) whether it was used on tablets (T), spatulas (S), or monuments (M)... the signs H6, G17, and E12 are probably the same sign.
Languages as Symbols
Manly Palmer Hall Collection of alchemical manuscripts (Box 7) 1500-1825 (1600) Source
Rare vase barillet gravé sur la panse d'une inscription hist - Lot 293
Rare Mesopotamian vase describing the dredging of the Tigris River, ca. 1848 BC.
甲骨文 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
甲骨文,又稱契文、甲骨卜辭、或龜甲獸骨文,主要指中國商朝晚期王室用於占卜記事而在龜甲或獸骨上契刻的文字,是中國已知最早的成體系的文字形式,它上承原始刻繪符號,下啟青銅銘文,是漢字發展的關鍵形態。現代漢字即由甲骨文演變而來。 一般認為,晚清官員、金石學家王懿榮於光緒二十五年(1899年)從來自河南安陽的甲骨上發現了甲骨文。安陽城西北的小屯村,是商晚期國都遺址「殷墟」的所在地。百餘年來,當地通過考古發掘及其他途徑出土的甲骨已超過十萬塊。此外,在河南、陝西其他地區也有甲骨文出現,年代從商晚期(約前1300年)延續到春秋。 甲骨文的發現,促進了各國學者對中國上古史和古文字學等領域的深入研究,並開創了一門嶄新的學科——甲骨學。
The South Asian copper plates of Kollam, from year 849. More info. Image from here, via iLKke.
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Foundation plaques dating to the early 4th century BC. This plaque of hammered gold has been inscribed in Old Persian, and is from Iran during the Achaemenid period. Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, USA.
Nüshu, Special Writing Only Used by Women - China culture
女書 Nüshu is a special form of writing that is only used and understood by women in Jiangyong County, Hunan Province. Discovered 20 years ago, this mysterious language has been handed down, mother to daughter, for generations. The creators and users are average women. But now, it faces extinction. The content of Nüshu writings is about society, history, nationality and culture. It is now listed as one of the world's most ancient languages and the only exclusively female language ever discovered.
Talismanic Scroll | Work of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Amulet, 11th century; Fatimid, Egypt Ink on paper H. 9 in. (23 cm), W. 3 1/4 in. (8.4 cm) Centuries before block printing was introduced in Europe, the technique was used in the Islamic world to produce miniature texts consisting of prayers, incantations, and Qur’anic verses that were kept in amulet boxes. The text on this amulet is in the angular kufic script. The six-pointed star, a familiar symbol in Islamic art, is usually called "Solomon's seal."
Dongba - Naxi nationalty and Dongba culture
Books in Donga hieroglyphics. Dongba refers to the religious priests, the culture, and script of the Nakhi people, who are found in southwestern China.