
40 Pins
240 reactions · 79 shares | They made this look easy! #games #challenge #handeye #coordination #seniors #seniorcare #assistedliving #community #christiancare #texas | Christian Care Communities & Services: Allen
867 reactions · 236 shares | Even our staff wanted in on this one! #games #challenge #coordination #seniors #fun #seniorcare #assistedliving #community #christiancare #texas | Christian Care Communities & Services: Allen
2.4K views · 1.3K reactions | Christmas Game - Giochi per Natale 🎅🏻 Bastano 2 bicchieri rotondi e delle palline ⚪️⚪️⚪️ Follow us ❤️ 🎄 🎅🏻 🧑🏻‍🎄 #christmasgames #familygames #partygames #giochi #jogos #giochidivertenti #natal #famigliaerba O Natal esta chegando. Seghi so noços jogos. | Famiglia Erba • Fun Family GAMES
19K views · 1.6K reactions | Who knew the games you could play with party blowers 😂 this would be a fun Christmas game! #christmasgames #familygames #christmas #fungames #challenge #igreels | Cassie Hollister
127K views · 1.3K reactions | Jeu de dextérité en duel ⚔️ "Flip-Cup-Ball" Règles du jeu 🎲 : Faites 2 séries de gobelets retournés. Déposez-y une balle de ping-pong sur chacun. Les joueurs doivent lancer la balle, retourner le gobelet pour déposer la balle dedans. Le premier joueur qui complète la série et attrape le dé en premier remporte le duel. #idée #idea #activité #ehpad #activity #activityforkids #senior #équipe #teambuilding #SeniorGames #geriatric #amusement #pourtoi #foryoupage #fyp #diy #fun #MovementGames #coordination #groupe #Rehab #fun #kiné #animation #game #ball #reflexion #diy #movement #functionaltraining | Cretoni Ludovic Kinésithérapeute - Certifié Mckenzie
9.8K views · 2.4K reactions | Fun family games for your next Christmas or birthday party! Make sure to save and share! 😆🙌🏻🎄💪🏼 1. Toilet paper roll race (supplies: TP, ride solo cup with water). First one to finish wins without breaking the toilet paper. 2. Red cup ping pong toss (supplies: red solo cups, Bose for inside cups and ping-pong balls). Three throws each and winner wins the coordinating gift to the color of bow in the cup. 3. Christmas or birthday crosswords puzzle or mad Libs, print from Etsy (supplies: printed game and pen per person). First one to finish wins. 4. Candy cane Hook (supplies: string, candy, canes, large open mouth base and either sand or rice for a base to hold candy canes up). Each person gets 30 seconds the person who hooks the most wins. 5. Guess the smell (supplies: blindfolds, paper to answer, pens and jars with items). We chose marshmallows, cinnamon, pumpkin, pie filling, cranberry sauce, and Rhain deer poop. 6. Sticky tic-tac-toe (supplies: read, ping-pong, balls, peanut butter). Each person to get a tic-tac-toe wins. 7. Cotton ball or CASH scoop (supplies: cotton balls, or cash, paper plates/flat plate, spatula, blindfold) person who collects the most cotton balls wins, or person wins all the cash they collected. 8. Tissue box booty shake (supplies: tissue boxes with tissue removed, string, ping-pong balls. Tip… Tape the opening so that the ball struggle to escape). Person with the least amount of balls at the end of 30 seconds wins. #BigFamily #ChristmasTraditions #1Annual #2HoursOfGames #PrizesFromTheDollarTree #CashPrizesAsWell. | Christy Card
846K views · 10K reactions | Jeu de dextérité en duel ⚔️ "Le tire-ficelle" 🧵 Règles du jeu 🎲: Le joueur qui ramène ses 3 balles de ping-pong en premier remporte le duel. ⚠️ Si la balle tombe, le joueur doit s'arrêter le temps que je repositionne la balle sur le gobelet. #ElderlyCare #NursingHomeFun #TherapyGames #SeniorActivities #PhysicalTherapy #PartyGames #PartyGamesForSeniors #ElderlyEngagement #FunWithSeniors #ActiveAging #CreativeTherapy #RehabAndFun #MovementGames #SeniorRehabilitation #InteractiveActivities #AnimationForElders #SeniorGames #TherapeuticFun #LaughterIsTherapy #HealthyAging | Cretoni Ludovic Kinésithérapeute - Certifié Mckenzie
647 reactions · 170 shares | Round 2! Who can blow the cups into their square first!? #games #fun #challenge #seniors #seniorliving #assistedcare #community #texas | Christian Care Communities & Services: Allen | Facebook
22K views · 4.6K reactions | Run it back #christmasgames #couplecomedy #funny #virallll | ATFAM
1.1M views · 11K reactions | Cup Flip Tic Tac Toe! #Christmas #family #game | The Smily Fam
35K views · 4.8K reactions | CHRISTMAS PONG🏓 If you need a last minute Christmas game idea, this one’s so easy to set up and a guaranteed good time! SUPPLIES: -Solo cups -Gift tissue paper -Prizes -Ping pong ball INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Set up your solo cups in the shape of a Christmas tree. 2. Add prizes in each one. From gift cards, money, candy, hot chocolate packs- you can add anything! 3. Cover the prizes with gift tissue paper on top so it’s a surprise for whoever is going on what they’ll win. 4. Take turns shooting the ping pong ball into the cups to win the prizes. #christmaspong #christmasgames #christmasideas #christmasgame #christmasgamenight #familychristmasgames #familychristmasparty #christmasparty #christmasfun #christmas2024 #christmastradition | Kaitlyn Anderson
2.5K views · 486 reactions | Grandpa was calmly crushing us all. 😂✨ Send to someone you want to play this with on New Year’s Eve! Easy and fun. Add in snacks, drinks and it’s a party! Almost time to ring in the new year! | Natalie Lesnefsky