
11 Pins
Relics of the old faith
Rejoice , disciples of the Lamb! The first major content update is now available for free. Conquer revamped crusades, enemies and bosses with the help of Relics!
Interview: LizardCube on Wonder Boy: Dragon's Trap | SEGA Nerds
Why Death’s Door is the perfect eight hour video game – Reader’s Feature
A reader offers his review of indie favourite Death’s Door and explains why the combat, puzzles, and game length were such a perfect match.
Stellt euch dem Zufall – Lost in Random für die Nintendo Switch angekündigt - ntower - Dein Nintendo-Onlinemagazin
Stellt euch dem Zufall – Lost in Random für die Nintendo Switch angekündigt: Aus der Sparte der EA Originals kommt ein neues Spiel von…