Fractions, Decimals, Percents

Find fraction, decimal, percent activities to add to your lessons. Check out the ideas for converting fractions to decimals, fractions to percents, decimals to fractions, decimals to percents, percents to fractions, and percents to decimals. This math board includes games, worksheets, interactive notebook ideas, anchor charts, TPT resources, and more for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classrooms.
254 Pins
Adding and Subtracting Decimals Worksheets Distance Learning Math
This math packet will provide your students plenty of review with adding decimals (through thousandths place). Students will be able to practice lining up the math problems correctly in order to add decimals. Printable and Google Slides™ Versions are included making this resource perfect for distance learning. Grades 5-6 #math #mistymiller #teacherspayteachers #addsubtractdecimals #mathintervention #independentwork #googleclassroom
Multiplying Decimals Worksheets Distance Learning Math by Misty Miller
This math packet will provide your students plenty of review with multiplying decimals (decimals through hundredths place). Students will be able to practice lining up the math problems correctly in order to multiply 2 decimals. Printable and Google Slides™ Versions are included making this resource perfect for distance learning. Grades 5-6 #math #mistymiller #teacherspayteachers #multiplydecimals #mathintervention #independentwork #googleclassroom
Multiplying Decimals Worksheets Distance Learning Math by Misty Miller
This math packet will provide your students plenty of review with multiplying decimals (decimals through hundredths place). Students will be able to practice lining up the math problems correctly in order to multiply 2 decimals. Printable and Google Slides™ Versions are included making this resource perfect for distance learning. Grades 5-6 #math #mistymiller #teacherspayteachers #multiplydecimals #mathintervention #independentwork #googleclassroom
Interactive Bingo for Converting Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Converting Fractions, Decimals, & Percents Bingo is the perfect 6th-grade math game for skill review and practice! Students will convert fractions, decimals, and percents while enjoying a fun, interactive game. Includes 30 Bingo cards, blank cards, and calling cards in two versions. Great for small groups, whole-class activities, or math game days!
Repurpose Old Games - Poker Chips
Repurpose old poker chips or water bottle caps into a matching game. You can use a variety of math skills including converting fractions, decimals, and percents. Perfect for your math centers and engaging your students. #math #mathgame #mathcenter #mistymiller #fractiondecimalpercent
Sunday Stations - Whole Class Stations with Decimals
One way to let your students move in math class is to set up whole class math stations. Choose a few activities, spread them around the room, group your students, and let them enjoy math!
Repurpose Old Games - Poker Chips
Repurpose old poker chips or water bottle caps into a matching game. You can use a variety of math skills including converting fractions, decimals, and percents. Perfect for your math centers and engaging your students. #math #mathgame #mathcenter #mistymiller #fractiondecimalpercent
Sunday Stations - Whole Class Stations with Decimals
One way to let your students move in math class is to set up whole class math stations. Choose a few activities, spread them around the room, group your students, and let them enjoy math!
Rounding Decimals Math Intervention Lab Distance Learning Math by Misty Miller
This math intervention packet will help your students learn to round decimals (to whole number, tenths, and hundredths) and practice the skill math problems. You'll be able to give a pre-assessment, provide step-by-step directions for rounding decimals, provide practice, and assess at the end. It's perfect for small group intervention, RTI, or instruction. Use with Google Classroom™! Grades 5-6 #math #mistymiller #teacherspayteachers #googleclassroom
Convert Fractions, Decimals, Percents Don't Get ZAPPED Partner Math Game Kaboom
Review or practice converting fractions, decimals, and percents with this fun and engaging math game! A perfect math game for math centers or early finishers. Players try to hold on to their strips and not get ZAPPED. $ grade 5-7 #math #mathgame #mathcenter #fractiondecimalpercent #kaboom #bam #mistymiller #teacherspayteachers
Repurpose Old Games - Poker Chips
Repurpose old poker chips or water bottle caps into a matching game. You can use a variety of math skills including converting fractions, decimals, and percents. Perfect for your math centers and engaging your students. #math #mathgame #mathcenter #mistymiller #fractiondecimalpercent
Math Stations - I Have Individual Activity
Math Stations I Have Activity
Sunday Stations - Whole Class Stations with Decimals
One way to let your students move in math class is to set up whole class math stations. Choose a few activities, spread them around the room, group your students, and let them enjoy math!
Converting Fractions Decimals Percents BINGO Math Game
Provide your students with some engaging practice with converting fractions to decimals and percents, decimals to fractions and percents, and percents to decimals and fractions. This converting fractions, decimals, and percents activity is great fun on a math game day. $ grade 6 - 7 #mathgame #fractionsdecimalspercents #mistymiller #teacherspayteachers
Trashketball Math Bundle
Bundle of math Trashketball games. The bundle includes skills such as decimal operations, place value with decimals, fractions, order of operations, and more! Review math skills with your students in a fun, engaging way! $ gr 4-8