<p>While there isn't exactly one super food that will banish your belly fat forever, research shows foods containing certain nutrients certainly could help. Fiber-rich, gut-friendly foods like legumes, avocados, potatoes and berries could all help reduce visceral fat and opting for at least one vegan meal each day will assist you in ramping up your fiber intake with ease—along with complex carbs, healthy fats and other essential nutrients.</p>
  <p>Check out our 30-Day Vegan Flat-Belly Dinner Plan to help improve your overall health as well. You'll be pleased to find that tacos, pasta and baked potatoes are still on the menu! </p> Plant Based Diet Meals, Vegetarian Meal Plan, High Protein Vegan Recipes, Plant Based Diet Recipes, Plant Based Meals, Vegan Meal Plans, Daniel Fast, Vegetarian Meal, Vegan Meal Prep