
30 Pins
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Stonemason's Companion | Wondrous item
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Spiker and Striker | Weapon (dagger and warhammer}
[Tools] Item - Iron Grip | aripockily
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Molten Hammer | Weapon (maul)
Grindstone | D&D 5E and Pathfinder 2E Magic Item
Get dozens of items, high res item art, and multiple usable formats for 5E and PF2E on our Patreon. #dnd #homebrew #dndhomebrew #magicitem #fantasyitem #dndmagicitem #dungeondanddragons #abyssalbrews #5e #dnd5e #pf2e #pathfinder2e #pathfinder #sharpen #gauntlet
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Stonemason's Companion | Wondrous item
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Warhammer of Eruptions | Weapon (warhammer)
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Redsmith Hammer | Weapon (light hammer)
[Art][OC] {The Griffon's Saddlebag} Forgemaster's Might | Weapon (warhammer or maul)
[Art][OC] {The Griffon's Saddlebag} Forgemaster's Might | Weapon (warhammer or maul) : DnD