Hot cakes

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1.2M views · 10K reactions | Prepara esta RECETA DE HOTCAKES de AVENA y ZANAHORIA y vas a amarla. Ponle mucha miel 🤭😋👌 | By En la cocina con Eldita | Oatmeal hot cakes with carrot the most delicious really that are exquisite with an extraordinary taste special for breakfast or for dinner and the best of all is that you will be surprised because they are very easy to prepare. We're going to need one hundred and fifty grams of oatmeal for that. I take it to shred it to flour it. Finished well. From there I vacuum a container and add a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. You mix the dry ingredients very well and then add an egg, a very considerable vanilla chorrito to make it taste good. Two tablespoons of olive oil and we'll go adding it little by little. One hundred and fifty milliliters. Of milk. The one of your preference. You mix it up very well. And now we're going to peel and scratch the finest part of your carrot that looks fine. Once you scratch it you sell it to the mixture and here you go adding if you want and if you like a little more milk. The mixture doesn't have to be so thick but not so liquid. Just the way they see. This is how the consistency of the mass should look. Now you do heat a frying pan. Temperature at half low not as high nor as low. You're going to add a teaspoon or a spoon about and there you're going to let them cook like all hot cakes for about two minutes on the side and then flip it over. From this amount of dough you will get about five or six medium hot cakes not so large but also not so small. And that's how you'll end up. With the masses. I like to butter them up when I just turn them over to butter. Melting with the warm and so it goes impregnating in the middle and stay well moist with a special flavor and now yes for me there is nothing better than honey bee or maple honey to accompany hot cakes I know that many people They love to put strawberry jam, condensed milk, box and good for tastes there are varieties, right? But for me a good nothing else needs pure honeycomb and quite and that's how they look well fluffy well soft and there you look at the eh grits of the carrot that is actually a spectacular taste name a delicious thing
Inicia la semana con toda la energía, prepara una deliciosa tortilla de avena con huevos