
This board is a quick guide, perfect for beginners, to understand the 7 chakras, their meanings, symbols, and colors. You will learn how to diagnose energy blockages within any of your chakras, how to open them, and what to do about it - which yoga poses/sequence or chakra meditation practice, which food and essential oils adopt to realign them. Dig in and discover each chakra - root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra!
42 Pins
How to open your chakras? (the beginners guide)
There are seven chakras that go up the body. Each pool of energy has a purpose and can be blocked by a specific kind of emotional muck. Click to learn more. #yogachakras #energyhealing #chakraopening #chakrasforbeginners #chakrabalancing #reiki
How to open the love chakra? (heart chakra)
The Fourth Chakra is located in the heart, it deals with LOVE and it’s blocked by GRIEF. Close your eyes. Lay all your grief out in front of you. You have indeed felt a great loss, but Love is a form of energy and it swirls all around us. The love from your losses that you feel as lost has not left this world, it is still inside of your heart and is reborn in the form of new love. Click to read more. #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #chakraforbeginners #chakrameditation #anahata
How to open the fire chakra? (solar plexus chakra)
Third is the Fire Chakra, located in the stomach. This chakra deals with will power, and it’s blocked by SHAME. What are you ashamed of? What are your biggest disappointments in YOURSELF? You will never find balance if you deny this part of your life. Accept and love all aspects of who you are, even your mistakes. Release all your letdowns and disappointments and ACKNOWLEDGE who you are.. Click to learn more #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #solarplexuschakra #chakraforbeginners
How to open the sound chakra? (the throat chakra)
The Fifth in the chain is the Sound Chakra, located in the throat. It deals with TRUTH and it’s blocked by LIES, the ones we tell ourselves. You cannot lie about your own nature. You must accept who YOU are. Release your denial and the lies you tell yourself, let them go, and ACCEPT who you are.. Read more #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #secondchakra #chakraforbeginners #chakrameditation #throatchakra
Solar plexus yoga for beginners (free yoga video on Youtube)
A beginner-friendly yoga class perfect for detoxification through focusing on the Manipura Chakra (solar plexus chakra), leading with some gentle yoga and pranayama. Ideal for cleansing in order to feel fresh, energetic, beautiful, healthy, and light. This sequence is all about working on the Agni (Manipura Chakra) to induce the fire in the belly to keep the digestive tract active and healthy. Enjoy!
REIKI healing (origins, how it works, principles...)
Reiki makes it possible to call upon the inherent natural resources that each person possesses within themselves. In this article, learn more about its benefits, how does it work, its principles, and more. #energyhealing #reikiforbeginners #reiki #energymedicine
7 Chakras Affirmation Card | The YogaMad
Affirmations for each chakra in this beautiful card - place it in your purse or give it to someone you love!
What is REIKI healing (ultimate beginner guide)
Reiki makes it possible to call upon the inherent natural resources that each person possesses within themselves. In this article, learn more about its benefits, how does it work, its principles, and more. #energyhealing #reikiforbeginners #reiki #energymedicine
Kundalini awakening (what happens & the symptoms)
The awakening of the kundalini is one of the most esoteric and mystical experiences in yoga. The fact that this experience is elusive for most people only adds to the mystery surrounding it. But, what happens when kundalini awakens? Click to learn more.
Gentle Chakra Balancing
This gentle chakra balancing practice opens your chakras & frees the flow of your chakra energy. It takes just 10-15 minutes & combines 7 potent yoga poses with breath work & affirmations to unlock your chakras. It will help you find balance, fulfill your highest potential, & align with your highest intentions. Get grounded & feel the peaceful bliss of your chakra energy flow today. #howtoopenyourchakras #chakrahealing #howtounlockyourchakras #howtobalanceyourchakras #chakrabalancing #chakrayoga
A beginner guide to Kundalini Yoga (find out if it's for you!)
In this article, you’ll discover what is Kundalini Yoga, its origins, its masters, its benefits, and much more. Find out if Kundalini Yoga is for you. Click to read more. #kundalini #kundaliniyoga #kundaliniawakening #kundalinimeditation #kundalinikreiya #kundaliniyogapose #kundaliniyogaforbeginners
Self Empowerment Affirmations
Use these self empowerment affirmations to build self confidence and connect to your inner source for strength and personal power. Your solar plexus chakra is the energy center within you that, when aligned, gives you the strength and confidence you need to accomplish your life purpose. Click through to learn more powerful ways to align, charge, & protect your solar plexus chakra. #selfempowerment #selfempowermentaffirmations #successaffirmations #solarplexuschakrahealing #solarplexusaffirmation
Unlock Your Chakras Gently
Want to access the full flow of your life energy? Are your chakras blocked or imbalanced, causing resistance & imbalance in your life? When you unlock your chakras, you feel energized & connected in your body, heart, mind & spirit. You're open to yourself, to others, & to life itself, which means your life's more fulfilling. Open your chakras with this gentle, but powerful practice in just 10-15 minutes & glow with the flow your chakra energy today. #openyourchakras #unlockyourchakras #charkas
Introduction to Kundalini Yoga (origins, masters, benefits...)
In this article, you’ll discover what is Kundalini Yoga, its origins, its masters, its benefits, and much more. Find out if Kundalini Yoga is for you. Click to read more. #kundalini #kundaliniyoga #kundaliniawakening #kundalinimeditation #kundalinikreiya #kundaliniyogapose #kundaliniyogaforbeginners
How to open the thought chakra? (crown chakra)
The Seventh Chakra is the Thought Chakra, located at the crown of the head. It deals with pure cosmic energy and it’s blocked by EARTHLY ATTACHMENT. What attaches you to this world? Surrender yourself and release all your earthly attachments. To let the pure cosmic energy flow in from the universe you must learn to LET GO of everything you learned to love, of everything you fear to lose.. Click to learn more. #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #secondchakra #chakraforbeginners #chakrameditation