CV Prof Erman Munir
CV Prof Erman Munir
CV Prof Erman Munir
DATA PRIBADI Nama Lengkap Jabatan Fungsional Pangkat/Golongan Bidang Kekhususan : Prof. Dr. Erman Munir, MSc. : Guru Besar : Pembina/Tk I/IVb : 1. Microbial Biochemistry 2. Environmental Biodegradation and Bioremediation Alamat Kantor No. Telp./Fax Kantor E-mail PENDIDIKAN PENDIDIKAN UTAMA Stratum S3 Tahun 2002 Universitas/Tempat Kyoto University, Japan Disertasi : A Novel Mechanism for Oxalic Acid Biosynthesis Coordinating with Energy Generating System in Wood-rooting Basidiomycetes. S2 S1 1995 1989 Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, USA Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia : Jl. Dr. T. Mansur No. 9 Kampus USU, Medan-20155 : 061-8211822/061-8211822 :
Fakultas/Departemen : MIPA/Biologi
PENDIDIKAN TAMBAHAN Tahun 2002 1998 1992 1992 1991 Lembaga/Tempat Kerjasama riset dalam metabolism asam organic di Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (3 bulan) Kursus Bahasa Jepang di Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (4 bulan) Kursus di Economic Institute, Colorado University, Boulder, USA (4 bulan) Kursus Bahasa Inggris, The British Institute, Bandung (4 bulan) Kursus Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang (7 bulan)
PENGALAMAN PEKERJAAN Tahun 2006 Sekarang 2006 Sekarang 2005 Sekarang 1995 1997 Jabatan Sekretaris Program Magister PSL, USU Kepala Laboratorium Mikrobiologi, FMIPA USU Staf Ahli Rektor Bidang Akademik Sekretaris Departemen Biologi, FMIPA USU
MATA KULIAH YANG DIASUH 1. Fisiologi Mikroba, S2 Biologi, USU 2. Ekologi Mikroba, S2 Biologi, USU 3. Bioremediasi, S2 Biologi dan S2 PSL, USU 4. Kimia Lingkungan, S2 PSL, USU 5. Mikrobiologi Lingkungan, S1 Biologi, FMIPA, USU 6. Mikrobiologi, S1 Biologi, FMIPA USU 7. Biokimia, S1 Biologi, FMIPA USU 8. Enzimologi, S1 Biologi, FMIPA USU PUBLIKASI ILMIAH Tahun 2006 Judul Bioconversion of oil palm trunk derived lignocelluloses to sugars. Developing Technology for Decomposition of Fresh Solid Wastes of Plantation under Tropical Condition, IPB Press, Bogor. Role of oxalate biosynthesis in growth of copper tolerant wood rooting and pathogenic fungi. Sustainable Development and Utilization of Tropical Forest Resources. Edited by Imamura et al. (pp. 148-153). Subcellular localization of glyoxylate cycle key enzymes involved in oxalate biosynthesis off wood-destroying basidiomycete Fomitopsis palustris. Microbiology, Vol. 152 : 1857-1866. Uji Brine-shrimp dan Pengaruh Ekstrak Metanol Daun Tumbuhan Pradep (Psychothria stipulaceae Wall (Familia : Rubiaceae)) Terhadap Mikroba. Jurnal Media Farmasi. Vol. 14 : 85-92.
Potensi Pemanfaatan mikroba dalam bioremediasi : Suatu teknologi alternative untuk pelestarian lingkungan. Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. (pp. 1-23). 2005 An Inhibitory effect of acetate added to the culture on growth of wood rotting basidiomycetes. The sixth International Wood Science Simposium. Bali, Indonesia. (pp. 405-410). Subcellular localization of glyoxylate cycle key enzymes involved in oxalate biosyhtesis of wood-destroying basidiomycetes Fomitopsis palu.stris grown on glucose. The sixth International Wood Science Symposium, Bali Indonesia. (pp. 411-417) Characterization of cDNA FPICLI encoding isocitrate lyase from woodrooting basidiomycetes Fomitopsis palustris. The sixth International Wood Science Symposium. Bali Indonesia. Role of oxalate biosynthesis for the growth of the copper tolerant wood rooting fungi under environmental stress. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society at Kyoto University, Kyoto. Paper Q60945 p. 135. Journal Impact Factor dasar penentuan mutu jurnal ilmiah. Jurnal Perkasa. Sekolah Pascasarjana USU. Vol. 9: 35-37. Peranan asam oksalat dalam degradasi lignoselulosa. Seminar Nasional Kimia II. Medan. (pp. 1-7). 2004 Isositrat liase sebagai enzim target perancangan obat. Journal Media Farmasi. Vol. 12: 13-21. Profile of enzyme activity and growth of wood rooting fungi in metal ion containing media. The Fifth International Wood Science Symposium. Kyoto Japan. (pp. 281-286). The distribution of tropical mushrooms in sibolangit conservation forest, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The Fifth International Wood Science Symposium. Kyoto Japan. (pp. 276-280).
Subcellular localization of isocirate lyase in the wood rooting destroying basidiomycetes Fomitopsis palu.stris. The Fifth International Wood Science Symposium. Kyoto Japan. (p. 231) Bioremediation of CCA-treated wood by brown-root fungi Fomitpsis palustris, Corriophora puteana, and Laetiporus sulfurous. Journal of Wood Science, Vol. 50: 182-188. A novel physiological aspect of wood-destroying Basidiomycetes. Proceedings of the 4th Regional coordination of wood science international symposium. St. Petersburg, Rusia. (pp. 467-468). 2003 A new aspect of oxalic acid biosynthesis in biochemistry of basidiomycetes. Workshop and Expose of Fundamental Research Scientific Result of LIPI-JSPS Cooperation Program. (pp. 81-87). A possible role of unique TCA cyle in wood-rooting basidiomycetes. Intern. Res. Group on Wood Preserv. Doc. No. IRG/WP 01-10394 (Stockholm). (pp. 1-6). Removal of copper, chromium, and arsenic from CCA-tretaed wood by bioremediation with brown-rot fungi. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society. Sizuoka, Japan. Paper Q231045. Peranan asam oksalat dalam system biologi dan lingkungan. Orasi Ilmiah Dies Natalis Universitas Sumatera Utara ke-51, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. (pp. 1-17). Kamus Mikrobiologi Modern dan Bioteknologi. Edisi Pertama. USU Press. 211 pages. 2002 Purification and characterization of isocitrate lyase from the wood destroying basidiomycete Fomitopsis palustris grown on glucose. Archieve Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vol. 399: 225-231. Purfication and characterization of malate synthase from the glucosegrown wood-rotting basidiomycete Fomitopsis palustris. Journal of Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, Vol. 66: 576-581.
Oxalate fermentation by wood-rotting fungi vs. normal respiration. Semirata bidang MIPA BKS-PTN Wilayah Barat Indonesia yang ke XV. Medan. (pp. 1-10). Chromatographic profile of isocitrate lyase during purification. Jurnal Media Farmasi, Vol. 10: 162-173. The importance of sulfhydryl compounds for the stability of isocitrate lyase. Journal of Sains Kimia, Vol. 6: 37-44. A possible role of the key enzymes of the glyoxylate and gluconeogenesis pathways for fruit body formation of the wood rotting basidiomyeete Flammulina velutipes. Journal of Mycoscience, Vol. 43: 327-332. A new glucose metabolism in wood rotting fungi. The fourth International Wood Science Symposium. LIPI Jakarta. (pp. 336-340). Metabolic physiology of wood decay fungi: Copper tolerace, oxalic acid and biochemistry of wood decay. Wood Preservation Vol. 28: 86-97. Purification and characterization of malate synthase from oxalic acsiproducing Basidiomycete Fomitopsis palustris. The 432 Kansai Agricultural, Biochemistry and Biotechnology Meeting, Kyoto, Japan. (p. 4) 2001 A physiological role of oxalic acid biosynthesis in the wood-rotting basidiomycete Fomitopsis palustris. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. Vol. 98: 1126-1130. New role for glyoxylate cycle enzymes in wood-rotting basidiomycetes in relation to biosynthesis of oxalic acid. Journal of Wood Science, Vol. 47: 368-373. A possible role of the key enzymes of the glyoxylate and TCA cycles, and gluconeogenesis pathway during fruit body formation in the wood-rotting basidiomycete Flamulina velutipes. Proceeding of the Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology Fall Meeting. Soul. Korea. (pp. 92-94).
Carbon metabolism during growth and development of mycelium and fruit body in the white-rot fungus Flamulina velutipes. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan. (p. 46). Purification and characterization of isocitrate lyase from a wood-rotting basidiomycete Fomitopsis palustris grown in a glucose-rich medium Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry. Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. (p. 61) A New mechanism for carbon metabolism coupling with oxalate biosynthesis in wood-rotting fungi. The 1st Conference on Fungal Genetics and Molecular Biology. Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan. (p. 24) Purification and character of isocitrate lyase from wood-rotting fungus Fonzitopsis palustris. The Sixth Annual Meeting of Japan Wood research Society, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan. (p. 442). A New concept of oxalic acid biosynthesis in physiology of coppertolerant fungi. Intern. Res. Group on Wood Preserv. Doc. No. IRG/WP 0110394 (Stockholm). (pp. 1-8). 2000 Distribution of isocitrate lyse and malate synthase among wood-rotting fungi. Proceedings of The third International Wood Science Symposium, Kyoto, Japan. (pp. 380-385). Occurance of glyoxylate cycle enzyms in wood-rooting basidiomycetes growing on glucose media. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan at Kinki University, Nara, Japan. A possible role of glyoxlate cycle in fruit body morphogenesis of edible mushrooms. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan at Kinki University, Nara, Japan. (p. 307). Biochemical analysis of organic acid metabolism of symbiotic and saprophytic basidiomycetes occurring in forest ecosystems. Science for Sustainable Utilization of Forest Resources in the Tropics. Published by the International Commite of Academic Exchange, Wood Research Institute Kyoto University. (pp. 62-62).
Production of pulp and paper by using biological methods from tropical wood resources. Science for Sustainable Utilization of Forest Resource in the Tropics. Published by the International Committee of Academic of Academic Exchange, Wood Research Institute Kyoto University. (pp. 2933). 1999 Bioconversion of oil palm trunk derived lignocelluloses to sugars. Menara Perkebunan, Vol. 67: 37-44. Intramolecular electron transfer in glyoxylate dehydrogenase from brown-rot fungus Tyromyces palustris. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society at Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan. (p. 606). 1997 Purifikasi penisilin asilase dari Bacillus. Prosiding seminar PPI Malaysia. Penang, Malaysia. (pp. 270-277). Solid-state fermentation processes for lignin degrading ezyme production by Phanerochate chrysosporium on rice husks as substrate. Proceedings of the First Colloquium on Lignocellulose at University Sains Malaysia. The role of agitation on the production of lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase by Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Proceedings of the First Colloquium on Lignocellulose at University Sains Malaysia, Penang. 1995 The effect of temperature on DNA supercoiling in a gyrB mutant in Salmonella tyhphimurium. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 19A. (p. 103) Superkoiling DNA pada Salmonella thypimurium gyrB mutant. Prosiding Seminar Ilmiah LUSTRUM VI FMIPA USU, Medan. (pp. 83-97).
ORGANISASI PROFESI Tahun 2002 Sekarang 1999 2005 1998 Sekarang Organisasi Anggota Indonesian Microbiological Society Anggota Japan Wood Research Society Anggota Japan Mycological Society -7-
Anggota Core University Program LIPI-JSPS (Japan) Anggota American Phytopathological Society Anggota American Society for Microbiology Anggota National Geographic of the USA
PENGHARGAAN Tahun 2003 Nama Penghargaan The Outstanding Scientist of the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Cooperation Program (Memperoleh pin emas LIPI) Monbusho Fellowship dari Pemerintah Jepang Outstanding Lecture of the University of Sumatera Utara USAID Fellowship dari Pemerintah USA