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Daftar Bahan Praktek Semester 2 2017

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No Nama Barang Pa rt Number/Spesifikasi

11 Androduino Arduino UNO Board (smd)

Bluetooth modul HC-05
Relay modul 4 unit (normally open)
Kabel USB
CD :
LINK : http://tokotronik.com/androduino/
12 Arduino Wifi Shield LINK : http://www.jogjarobotika.com/jual-arduino/1214-arduino-wifi-
39 High Pressure (Part Number 7861-93-1812 )
Sensor Excavator
Komatsu PC 200-8
45 Interduino Board INTERDUINO
LCD 2x16
4 Relay 5 V (10 A/250 V)
Dip switch dengan 4 saklar
Sensor suhu LM35
Kabel konektor tipe male yang support dengan pin Arduino (female pin)
CD Program
LINK https://tokotronik.com/product/interduino/
69 Dibeli dosen ybs Dibeli dosen ybs
77 Dibeli dosen ybs Dibeli dosen ybs

Oil level sensor,fuel (Part Number 7861-92-5810)

tank sensor for
Komatsu PC-6/7/8
and others

79 Order oleh pak Order oleh pak Amin

84 (Part Number 7861-93-4131)

Position Sensor
For Komatsu
PC200-6 D275A-5

86 (Part number 7861-93-1840)

Low pressure
sensor for Komatsu
PC200-8 excavator
92 (Part Number 7861-93-2310)
Revolution speed
sensor Komatsu PC-
7 excavator

94 Rotacaster Omni Diameter: 125mm/4.92"

Width: 44mm/1.72"
Bore: 10mm/.394" with bearing
Load Capacity: 90kg/200 lbs.
Weight = .312kg/11oz
Sensor asap untuk Vsuplai : DC 24V
PLC Output : Dry Kontak Relay
Dimensi : panjang 18 cm x lebar 11 cm x tinggi 11 cm
Berat : 500 gr
Sensor Ping Product code 989-010
Harus Produk Parallax
New Water (Part Number 6261-81-6900 )
Temperature Sensor
Komatsu PC200-8
PC220-8 PC240-8
111 Dibeli dosen ybs Dibeli dosen ybs
114 Ultra Sonic OutPut
untuk PLC Vsuplai : DC 24V

Range sensor : (min) 4 cm (max) 350 cm

Output : 4 20 mA (analog)

Driver pengkondisi sinyal 4 20 mA

Built-in display LCD menampilkan nilai jarak dalam satuan cm

Tombol kalibrasi sensor

Led indikator sensor out of range

Port komunikasi USB (additional)

Software Akuisisi & Datalogger (additional)

Panjang kabel sensor : 2 meter

Dimensi sensor : 6 cm x 4 cm x 2,75 cm

Dimensi driver : 15,5 cm x 12 cm x 4 cm

LINK https://produkinovatif.wordpress.com/2014/11/27/jual-

115 Ultraduino
Display LCD 216


Relay + driver

Sensor Ultrasonik

Cd program



KESALAHAN Pengetikan dalam LIST

No Uraian Seharusnya
76 Motor Servo
Motor brushless

LINK: http://www.tokoservo.com/avroto-2814-short-shaft-
85 50 Buah
Tolong di cek kembali jumlahnya. Apakah memang harus
memesan potensio sampai 50 buah?
113 50 Buah
Tolong di cek kembali jumlahnya. Apakah memang harus
memesan Transistor sampai 50 buah?
Daftar bahan semester 2 2017

1. 8x4.5 Propellers, Isi 4 Pcs(2 SF, 2 SFP)

SF Props 2pc Standard Rotation/2 pc RH Rotation (Black) - Complete
with spacer rings.

2. Gemfan 11 x 4.7 Propellers Isi 2 pcs (1 SF, 1

SFP) (100.000) 2 buah
Propeller for MultiCopter Reverse (11x4.7 SF & SFP)
Length: 11 inches
Pitch: 4.7 inches
Fits Shaft Diameter 6mm . Includes Reducer Rings for 5mm, 4mm and smaller.
3. Gemfan Propeller 10x4.5 (ISI 2 X CW)

Length: 10"

Pitch: 4.5

Max RPM: 6,500

Putaran searah jarum jam

Isi 2 pcs

4. Gemfan Propeller 10x4.5 (ISI 2 X CCW)


Length: 10"

Pitch: 4.5

Max RPM: 6,500

Putaran berlawanan arah jarum jam

Isi 2 pcs

5. Arduino Sensor Shield V4 (175.000) 2 buah

Fitur :
- Plug & play.
- Operating Voltage: 5VDC
- Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12VDC
- Input Voltage (limits): 6-20VDC
- Buckled Analog Port : Handy, solid connection to 6 Analog inputs with
- Digital IO port : 13 ports prepared to digital modules or servos
- Analog IO Port : 2.54 grid male pin header connections
- Buckled Communication Port : Selectable between I2C and UART
- Weight 28g

6. LCD karakter 16x2 dengan I2C backpack 16 x 2 (50.000)

4 buah
Warna karakter: Putih
Warna background LCD: Biru
Tegangan kerja: 5V

7. adaptor 9V 2A for arduino / power supply 9V 2A for

arduino (60.000) 5 buah

8. DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

(80.000) 3 buah


Wider voltage range: 3.3V to 5V

Standard assembling struct (two 3mm holes with multiple of 5cm as

User-friendly interfaces ("A" for analog and "D" for digital)

Icons to simplely illustrate sensor function

High quality connector

Immersion gold surface


Supply Voltage: +5 V

Temperature range :0-50 C error of 2 C

Humidity :20-90% RH 5% RH error

Interface: Digital

9. MQ-6 Sensor Gas LPG (70.000) 4 buah

Size32mm X22mm X27mm
ICLM393MQ-6 Sensor
Work voltageDC5V
Instructions with the signal output;
Analog + TTL output;
TTL output signal is low effective;
0 ~ 5V analog output voltage, the higher the voltage the higher the concentration;
Liquefied petroleum gas, butane, propane with high sensitivity and good
Service life and reliable long-term stability

Smart duino 2 buah

10. Arduino Sensor 37 in 1 kit (500 rb)

Package Include:
1 x Small passive buzzer module
1 x 2-color LED module
1 x Hit sensor module
1 x Vibration switch module
1 x Photo resistor module
1 x Key switch module
1 x Tilt switch module
1 x 3-color full-color LED SMD modules
1 x Infrared emission sensor module
1 x 3-color LED module
1 x Mercury open optical module
1 x Yin Yi 2-color LED module 3MM
1 x Active buzzer module
1 x Temperature sensor module
1 x Automatic flashing colorful LED module
1 x Mini magnetic reed modules
1 x Hall magnetic sensor module
1 x Infrared sensor receiver module
1 x Class Bihor magnetic sensor
1 x Magic light cup module
1 x Rotary encoder module
1 x Optical broken module
1 x Detect the heartbeat module
1 x Reed module
1 x Obstacle avoidance sensor module
1 x Hunt sensor module
1 x Microphone sound sensor module
1 x Laser sensor module
1 x 5V relay module
1 x Temperature sensor module
1 x Temperature sensor module
1 x Linear magnetic Hall sensors
1 x Flame sensor module
1 x Sensitive microphone sensor module
1 x Temperature and humidity sensor module
1 x XY-axis joystick module
1 x Metal touch sensor module
1 x Box
11. Multi Function Shield Arduino (100 rb) 2 buah

Seven Segment 4 digit, dengan shift register


Push button


Sensor suhu LM35 atau DS18B20 (disediakan slot, sensor belum


Bluetooth (disediakan slot, modul bluetootth belum termasuk)


12. Arduino L293D Driver Motor Shield (120 rb) 2


Four H-Bridges : Two L293D Motor driver chips

L293D is rated at 0.6A per bridge (1.2A peak) with thermal shutdown
protection, internal kickback protection diodes

Motor Voltages from 4.5VDC to 16VDC. (up to 36V if C6 and C7 are


Up to 4 bi-directional DC motors with individual 8-bit speed selection

(256 speeds)

Up to 2 stepper motors (unipolar or bipolar)

Pull down resistors keep motors disabled during power-up

Separate Logic and Motor power connections

Terminal block connectors for motors and power

2 connections for 5V 'hobby' servos

13. Allwin Multifunction Linear Actuator

Motor 12V 300mm Stroke Load Capacity
500N Lift Silver( Intl) (1.200.000) 2 buah

Material: Aluminum alloy

Color: Silver
Rated Voltage: DC 12V
Stroke Length: 300mm/10 inch
Load capacity: 500N
Speed: 20mm/s
Duty cycle: 20%

14. Smatrduino (500)

Arduino UNO R3

LCD 162

7 segment 4 digit

8 switch (push button)

8 LED (digital out)

Sensor LM35

Potensiometer (voltage devider)


Kabel konektor (male female)

Kabel USB
Project Board

Cd dan bonus

15. Master Mikro ARDUINO V2 (700)

Arduino UNO R3
LCD 216
RTC DS1307
7 segment 4 digit
Dot matrik 57
Sensor suhu LM35
Potensio untuk pembelajaran ADC
8 Switch
Kabel konektor


16. Jam suhu duino (400rb)

ARDUINO Nano 3.0 ATmega328

4 Digit Seven Segment 1

RTC DS3231

Battery backup CR2032

Sensor Suhu LM35


17 SMS duino v2 (900)


Modul SIM800L Ver2

Modul LCD 162

Modul 4 Relay
Modul 4 push button

Sensor suhu LM35

Sensor Motion PIR


Power Supply system

Tombol Seting Jam / Set Point

2 LED (detikan)

Paket Pembelian :

Hardware JamSuhuDUINO

Kabel USB

CD (Skematik, Manual, Source code, program Arduino, Datasheet)

17. DHT Duino (380 rb)

Membaca data serial

Menampilkan hasil dalam bentuk Grafik dan Tabel

Menyimpan hasil ke Database

Menyimpan hasil dalam bentuk Text & Ms.Excel

Mencetak data (print)

Spesifikasi hardware :

Display LCD 216

Sensor Suhu Kelembaban DHT11

18. DVD 99+ Proyek Arduino (320rb)
Source code
Skematik / Rangkaian
Masih ditambah BONUS (GRATIS) :
Video Tutorial Simulasi Arduino dg Proteus
Video Tutorial Membuat PCB Sendiri
Video Tutorial Membuat Rangkaian
Video Tutorial Simulasi dg Simulide
Video Tutorial Membuat Rangkaian Arduino dg Fritzing
Ebook Interfacing Beragam Sensor dg Arduino
Ebook Tips Trik Arduino
Software2 Aplikasi

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