Tugas Rancob - Uji Dunnet
Tugas Rancob - Uji Dunnet
Tugas Rancob - Uji Dunnet
Proteksi Tanaman
Uji Dunnet
diff lwr.ci upr.ci
Metode_Baru_2-Metode_Baru_1 2.2 -3.607188 8.007188
Metode_Lama-Metode_Baru_1 -4.2 -10.007188 1.607188
Metode_Baru_2-Metode_Baru_1 0.5863
Metode_Lama-Metode_Baru_1 0.1787
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> ##############################################
> # Uji Dunnett bisa juga menggunakan script berikut ini:
> dunnet_HS <- DunnettTest(Nilai ~ Metode,
+ control = "Metode_Lama",
+ data = dataku)
> dunnet_HS
diff lwr.ci upr.ci pval
Metode_Baru_1-Metode_Lama 4.2 -1.6071876 10.00719 0.1787
Metode_Baru_2-Metode_Lama 6.4 0.5928124 12.20719 0.0296
Metode_Baru_2-Metode_Lama *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> # The mean difference in exam scores between the new studying technique 1
> # The mean difference in exam scores between the new studying technique 2
> # Based on the output, we can see that studying technique 2 is the only
> # Based on the output, we can see that studying technique 2 is the only
> # technique that produces significantly (p = .0296) different mean