Main: By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to describe places or objects
correctly using suitable phrases.
Teaching &
Learning Complementary: By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to describe
objects correctly.
1. Pupils are asked to recall adjectives they have used in the previous lesson
and think about the opposites as well.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils write ‘very’, ‘really’ and ‘quite’ on the board. Pupils are asked to share
a sentence using each word on the board.
2. Pupils are asked to refer to the KEY PHRASES in page 8 and asked to try
constructing sentences using the adjectives.
3. Pupils are to listen to the teacher’s explaination. Teacher draws a table on
Activities the board with headings TV programmes, Places, People, Games or Films.
Pupils are asked to use other adjectives to describe based on the headings.
4. Pupils read the text in Activity 1 and find examples of: has got, have got,
hasn’t got and haven’t got. Pupils share the sentences.
5. Pupils refer to page 9 Activity 3. Pupils are guided to complete the table in
their exercise books.
1. In pairs, pupils discuss what they have got and haven’t got using adjectives
- 26/27 of the pupils are able to master the main and complementary skills learned.
- Pupils can master learning objectives with 25 of them achieving the target
- Most pupils have participated in activities successfully
- Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
1. Murid menjalankan kuiz mudah untuk meguji kefahaman.
2. Murid mendengar guru membuat kesimpulan dan rumusan daripada
keseluruhan pembelajaran hari ini
Refleksi / Penilaian
Standard 1.2.3 Melakar spesimen, peralatan dan bahan sains dengan betul.
1.2.4 Membersihkan peralatan sains dengan cara yang betul.
1.2.5 Menyimpan peralatan dan bahan sains dengan betul dan selamat.
1. Murid menganalisis gambar dan teks yang diberikan.
2. Murid memahami kemahiran manipulatif berkaitan peralatan dan bahan
3. Murid memahami cara menggunakan, mengendalikan, melakar,
membersih dan menyimpan peralatan dan bahan sains.
4. Murid berbincang dan bersoal jawab tentang kemahiran manipulatif Round
5. Murid melengkapkan lembaran kerja yang diberikan dengan kemahiran
manipulatif. (Peta Minda)
6. Murid dipilih untuk berkongsi jawapan yang ditulis di hadapan kelas.
7. Murid diminta melengkapkan Latihan (buku aktiviti ms 9-10)
8. Sesi perbincangan dijalankan antara guru dan murid untuk mengukuhkan
1. Murid merumuskan isi pelajaran hari ni tentang kemahiran manipulatif
dengan bimbingan guru
Refleksi / Penilaian
1. Murid mendengar penerangan guru tentang isi kandungan/pengajaran.
Aktiviti PdPC 2. Murid menjalankan aktiviti sumbang saran mengenal pasti jenis system
saraf manusia.
3. Nyatakan jenis sistem saraf manusia dan bahagian yang terlibat.
Murid melengkapkan latihan berdasarkan tajuk yang telah dibincangkan.
1. Murid menjalankan kuiz mudah untuk meguji kefahaman.
2. Murid mendengar guru membuat kesimpulan dan rumusan daripada
keseluruhan pembelajaran hari ini
Refleksi / Penilaian
Main: By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to pupils will be able to listen
and answer at least 2 questions correctly.
Teaching &
Learning Complementary: By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to guess at least
3 the meanings of unfamiliar words in the text.
1. Pupils are given 1 minute to write down one country name for each alphabet
from A-Z. Teacher and pupils can check answers.
Lesson delivery:
1. Every pupil must ask their partners 3 questions using where, what and who;
1 for each. Teacher monitors pupils.
- 25/27 of the pupils are able to master the main and complementary skills learned.
- Pupils can master learning objectives with 25/27 of them achieving the target
- Most pupils have participated in activities successfully
- Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Objektif Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid dapat mematuhi dua peraturan bilik
Pengajaran & sains.
Set induksi :
1. Murid diminta mengingat kembali pelajaran yang lalu.
2. Murid dan guru bersoal jawab untuk menguji tahap pengetahuan sedia ada
3. Murid diminta menyebut peraturan yang mereka tahu ketika berada dalam
bilik sains.
4. Murid mendengar penerangan guru tentang patuhi dan fahami peraturan
bilik sains.
Aktiviti PdPC 1. Murid menganalisis gambar dan teks yang diberikan.
2. Murid memahami dan menerangkan peraturan bilik sains
3. Murid menjalankan aktiviti mengenai peraturan (role-play).
4. Murid melengkapkan aktiviti menggunting kepingan gambar dan
menampalkan dalam buku (buku aktiviti ms 11-12).
5. Murid menerangkan gambar yang dilihat.
6. Murid berbincang jawapan aktiviti bersama guru.
1. Murid merumuskan isi pelajaran hari ni tentang patuhi dan fahami
peraturan bilik sains dengan bimbingan guru.
Refleksi / Penilaian
Main: By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to pupils will be able to give
detailed information based to themselves.
Teaching &
Learning Complementary: By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to write short
information about themselves.
Activities Pre-lesson:
1. Pupils look at cards written ‘where’, ‘what’ and ‘who’ posted on the board.
Teacher says a few sentences and pupils choose the correct word related to
the sentences said by the teacher.
For example: I’m your teacher. (Who+are you?). Pupils are asked to answer
and respond to the questions.
Lesson delivery:
1. In pairs, pupils also take turns to say three sentences about where they live,
what the like and who they like. Partners can match the sentences to which
one might be ‘who’, ‘where’ or ‘what’.
2. Pupils refer to pictures in page 10 Activity 2. In pairs, pupils choose 2 photos
and say sentences about the pictures using the KEY PHRASES from page
11 Activity 3. For example: I think that’s….., I’m not sure that’s…, I don’t
know where/what/who that is…
3. Pupils listen to the teacher that they are going to make their own group quiz
based on their teachers. Names of 6 teachers are displayed on the board
and each group chooses one. Pupils refer to page 11 Activity 4 for
reference. In groups, pupils discuss and write 5 questions.
4. Then, pupils can select a representative to read out their questions to
others. Pupils can request from another group to swap questions.
5. Each group chooses their ‘best question’ and write it on a sticky note. Pupils
display the sticky note on the board. Once every group has displayed their
‘best question’, pupils try to answer questions from another group.
6. Pupils share their answers with the class and teacher guides pupils to
7. Pupils are asked to write short information about themselves using ‘where’
‘what’ and ‘who’.
1. Every pupil ask their partners 3 questions using where, what and who; 1 for
each. Teacher monitors pupils.
- 23/27 of the pupils are able to master the main and complementary skills learned.
- Pupils can master learning objectives with most of them achieving the target
- Most pupils have participated in activities successfully
- Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.