Papers by Aji Widiatmaja
This study is under a big field of linguistics. More specifically, it is a sociolinguistics study... more This study is under a big field of linguistics. More specifically, it is a sociolinguistics study which explores the relationship between language and society. The aim of this study is to analyze sociolinguistics phenomenon called address terms performed by Rohr, the main character in Runaway Jury. This study has three objectives. They are to identify the types, functions, and social factors of address terms performed by the main character in Runaway Jury. This study employed mix methods which are descriptive qualitative and quantitative method since it described the phenomena of address terms in Runaway Jury. Moreover, the findings were presented in narrative and description. However, number and percentage was also used to support the analysis of the data. This study revealed three findings. First, there were seven types of address terms employed in this research. However, the main character employed five types of address terms in his utterances in the movie Runaway Jury. The five ...
Jurnal Politica Dinamika Masalah Politik Dalam Negeri dan Hubungan Internasional
Indonesia's foreign policy in the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's (SBY) and Joko Widodo's era have the... more Indonesia's foreign policy in the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's (SBY) and Joko Widodo's era have their own strengths and weaknesses. SBY's foreign policy tended to be outwardlooking, which was marked by promotion of soft power, high politics, and leveraging Indonesia influence in global stage. Meanwhile, Joko Widodo's foreign policy is more inward-looking in that it focuses more on domestic sectors. Problems will arise if a country carries out its foreign policy in an unbalanced manner. Development in the global and regional strategic environment requires a collective response achieved in multilateral forums. This makes cooperation and active participation of a country in international forums become important. This paper aims to analyze Indonesia's foreign policy under SBY and Joko Widodo to find out the strengths and weaknesses of both foreign policies. The author has also provided a foreign policy recommendation that combines both inward and outward-looking perspectives in its performance. They are made in the form of reclaiming Indonesia's leadership in ASEAN to make the region a zone of peace, freedom, and neutrality (ZOPFAN), preventing foreign powers infiltration, maintaining ASEAN countries sovereignty, and curbing pragmatic and unilateralist actions in response to strategic environmental dynamics. These are important to ensure the achievement of Indonesia's national interests. In simple terms, outward-looking policies are adopted as a tool to achieve national interests that benefit the Indonesian people (inward-looking).
Jurnal Sentris, Aug 19, 2020
Globalization brings together both mobility upheaval and democratization in technology for every ... more Globalization brings together both mobility upheaval and democratization in technology for every state, organization, and people around the world. These phenomena make information, technology, and networking which a long time ago become state domain are today accessible for everyone. It gives a leeway for non-state actors which used to be powerless can speak louder in present day. However, this likely rejoice phenomena sometimes produce another side effect. The leeway also gives relatively easy access for certain non-state actors to achieve power that in the same time endanger world order. These non-state actors are terrorist groups which today possess great power, energized by globalization and democratization of technology, to balance the power of states. They utilize globalization and democratization era to organize, create image, build network, fund, and disseminate their activities around the globe. This study aims to analyze the rise of terrorist groups threats in today globalization and democratization era and in the same time examine the declining of state roles in international stages. This study uses descriptive qualitative method and using Globalization, Soft Power, and Balance of Power theories to dissect and analyze those phenomena. Several recommendations will be drawn from the analysis to contribute in making a robust and comprehensive international cooperation to combat terrorist groups.
Indonesia Defense Diplomacy Strategy in ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus) to Build ASEAN Security Architecture in Counter-Terrorism Cooperation, 2019
The increasing of terrorism activities in Southeast Asia is faced with differences in defense cap... more The increasing of terrorism activities in Southeast Asia is faced with differences in defense capabilities between ASEAN countries, differences in perspectives about terrorism, and lack of international multilateral cooperation to combat terrorism. The establishment of ADMM in 2006 and ADMM-Plus in 2010 as multilateral cooperation to form a security architecture intended to overcome these problems. This study aims to analyze the role of ADMM-Plus and Indonesian defense diplomacy strategy to achieve national interests in the field of counter-terrorism. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with processual approach to analyze the processes of Indonesia defense diplomacy in ADMM-Plus Expert Working Group on Counter-Terrorism (EWG-CT). The theories used in this study were the theory of regionalism, regional security complex, and defense diplomacy. The theories can be used to analyze the dynamics of regionalism in ASEAN that has regional security complexes in it. The application of defense diplomacy theory can be used to analyze the role of Indonesia in ADMM-Plus as a multilateral cooperation in the field of defense to combat terrorism in order to achieve national interests. The results of the study show that ASEAN countries use this forum to create a defense cooperation architecture under ADMM and ADMM-Plus. Defense diplomacy was used as a medium in forming those cooperation. Indonesia applied direct model defense diplomacy to contribute in combating terrorism as well as achieve its national interests such as stability and security in the region, create confidence building measure (CBM) among ASEAN countries, and develop its defense capability in counter-terrorism.
Key words: regionalism, regional security complex, defense diplomacy, ADMM-Plus, counter-terrorism cooperation
Indonesia di Era Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dan Joko Widodo: Kebijakan Luar Negeri di Tengah Dinamika Lingkungan Strategis Regional, 2019
Kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia di era Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dan Joko Widodo memiliki ke... more Kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia di era Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dan Joko Widodo memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Kebijakan luar negeri SBY cenderung outward looking dengan mengedepankan soft power dan bercorak high politics serta mencoba meningkatkan pengaruh Indonesia di forum global. Sedangkan kebijakan luar negeri Joko Widodo lebih bersifat inward looking yang berfokus pada penguatan sektor domestik. Permasalahan akan muncul jika suatu negara tidak berimbang dalam menjalankan kebijakan luar negerinya. Perkembangan lingkungan strategis global dan regional membutuhkan respons kolektif yang dicapai dalam forum-foum multilateral. Hal ini membuat kerja sama dan keaktifan suatu negara dalam forum internasional menjadi penting. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia di era SBY dan Joko Widodo guna mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Kemudian, penulis juga memberikan suatu rekomendasi kebijakan luar negeri yang menggabungkan corak inward dan outward looking dalam menjalankan kebijakan luar negeri. Hal tersebut berupa mengembalikan kepemimpinan Indonesia di ASEAN guna membuat ASEAN sebagai zone of peace, freedom, and neutrality (ZOPFAN), mencegah masuknya kekuatan asing, menajaga kedaulatan negara-negara ASEAN, serta mengurangi sikap pragmatis dan unilateralis dalam merespon perubahan lingkungan strategis. Hal tersebut penting dilakukan guna menjamin tercapainya kepentingan nasional Indoensia. Secara sederhana, kebijakan outward looking digunakan sebagai alat untuk mencapai kepentingan nasional yang memberi keuntungan pada rakyat Indonesia (inward looking).
Kata Kunci: kebijakan luar negeri; inward looking; outward looking; kepemimpinan Indonesia; kepentingan nasional.
Thesis Chapters by Aji Widiatmaja
This study is under a big field of linguistics. More specifically, it is a sociolinguistics study... more This study is under a big field of linguistics. More specifically, it is a sociolinguistics study which explores the relationship between language and society. The aim of this study is to analyze sociolinguistics phenomenon called address terms performed by Rohr, the main character in Runaway Jury. This study has three objectives. They are to identify the types, functions, and social factors of address terms performed by the main character in Runaway Jury.
This study employed mix methods which are descriptive qualitative and quantitative method since it described the phenomena of address terms in Runaway Jury. Moreover, the findings were presented in narrative and description. However, number and percentage was also used to support the analysis of the data.
This study revealed three findings. First, there were seven types of address terms employed in this research. However, the main character employed five types of address terms in his utterances in the movie Runaway Jury. The five types were first name, title plus last name, title, last name, and pet name. The most appearing type of address term was title which occurred 25 times. Then, the second rank was first name with 18 occurrences. After that, title plus last name placed on the third rank which had 10 occurrences. The fourth rank was last name which occurs 2 times. Finally, pet name became the fifth rank since it only occurred once. Second, there were three functions of address terms performed by the main character in Runaway Jury. They were to show intimacy, power differential, and respect. To show respect became the most appearing phenomenon with 36 occurrences. After that, as the second rank, there was power differential with 25 occurrences. Then, intimacy became the third rank with 16 occurrences. Third, this research employed seven social factors that affect the main character of the movie in using certain types of address terms. The seven social factors were particular occasion, rank of other, age, family relationship, occupational hierarchy, transactional status, and degree of intimacy. Particular occasion was the first rank which occurred 34 times. The second and third ranks were transactional status and degree of intimacy with 21 and 18 occurrences. After that, as the fourth and fifth ranks, there were age and rank of other with 10 and five occurrences. Then, the sixth rank was occupational hierarchy which occurred 3 times.
Keywords: sociolinguistics, address terms, Runaway Jury
Analisis Strategi dan Diplomasi Pertahanan pada Kerjasama Multilateral di ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus Expert Working Group on Counter-Terrorism (ADMM-Plus EWG-CT)”, 2019
Perkembangan terorisme di Asia Tenggara dihadapkan dengan belum adanya kesepahaman mengenai cara ... more Perkembangan terorisme di Asia Tenggara dihadapkan dengan belum adanya kesepahaman mengenai cara penanggulangan terorisme dan perbedaan kemampuan pertahanan di antara negara ASEAN. Hal ini kemudian direspon dengan berdirinya ADMM (2006) dan ADMM-Plus (2010) guna mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam dalam ADMM-Plus EWG-CT di tahun 2011-2017 sehingga dapat diketahui aplikasi strategi pertahanan dan diplomasi pertahanan dalam memberikan sumbangsih pada pencapaian kepentingan nasional dalam menghadapi ancaman terorisme. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan Processual Perspective guna menjelaskan proses dan hasil keikutsertaan Indonesia pada ADMM-Plus EWG-CT selama tahun 2011-2017. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan kondensasi data untuk mengelompokan data. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyajian dengan menggabungkan data-data dan disajikan dalam bentuk narasi atau tabel yang kemudian memudahkan untuk dilakukan penarikan kesimpulan. Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori strategi dan diplomasi pertahanan dan didukung oleh teori/konsep pendukung yang meliputi , ilmu pertahanan strategi pertahanan negara, soft power, dan regionalisme. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa strategi yang diaplikasikan oleh Indonesia dalam ADMM-Plus EWG-CT telah sesuai dengan Strategi Pertahanan Negara tahun 2007 dan 2015. ADMM-Plus EWG-CT menjadi ruang diskusi untuk membangun kesepahaman dan capacity building dalam menghadapi terorisme. Pembentukan Trilateral Maritime and air Patrol oleh Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Filiphina pada tahun 2017 di Laut Sulu sebagai sub-kerjasama di level ASEAN efektif untuk menanggulangi kejahatan di laut termasuk terorisme. Terkait dengan diplomasi pertahanan, Indonesia melaksanakan direct model defense diplomacy yang efektif karena modalitas Indonesai yang kuat. Hal ini mendorong nilai strategis dan kepemimpinan Indonesia di forum ADMM-Plus EWG-CT.
Kata Kunci: Strategi, Strategi Pertahanan Negara, Diplomasi Pertahanan, ADMM-Plus EWG-CT, Counter-Terrorism
Papers by Aji Widiatmaja
Key words: regionalism, regional security complex, defense diplomacy, ADMM-Plus, counter-terrorism cooperation
Kata Kunci: kebijakan luar negeri; inward looking; outward looking; kepemimpinan Indonesia; kepentingan nasional.
Thesis Chapters by Aji Widiatmaja
This study employed mix methods which are descriptive qualitative and quantitative method since it described the phenomena of address terms in Runaway Jury. Moreover, the findings were presented in narrative and description. However, number and percentage was also used to support the analysis of the data.
This study revealed three findings. First, there were seven types of address terms employed in this research. However, the main character employed five types of address terms in his utterances in the movie Runaway Jury. The five types were first name, title plus last name, title, last name, and pet name. The most appearing type of address term was title which occurred 25 times. Then, the second rank was first name with 18 occurrences. After that, title plus last name placed on the third rank which had 10 occurrences. The fourth rank was last name which occurs 2 times. Finally, pet name became the fifth rank since it only occurred once. Second, there were three functions of address terms performed by the main character in Runaway Jury. They were to show intimacy, power differential, and respect. To show respect became the most appearing phenomenon with 36 occurrences. After that, as the second rank, there was power differential with 25 occurrences. Then, intimacy became the third rank with 16 occurrences. Third, this research employed seven social factors that affect the main character of the movie in using certain types of address terms. The seven social factors were particular occasion, rank of other, age, family relationship, occupational hierarchy, transactional status, and degree of intimacy. Particular occasion was the first rank which occurred 34 times. The second and third ranks were transactional status and degree of intimacy with 21 and 18 occurrences. After that, as the fourth and fifth ranks, there were age and rank of other with 10 and five occurrences. Then, the sixth rank was occupational hierarchy which occurred 3 times.
Keywords: sociolinguistics, address terms, Runaway Jury
Kata Kunci: Strategi, Strategi Pertahanan Negara, Diplomasi Pertahanan, ADMM-Plus EWG-CT, Counter-Terrorism
Key words: regionalism, regional security complex, defense diplomacy, ADMM-Plus, counter-terrorism cooperation
Kata Kunci: kebijakan luar negeri; inward looking; outward looking; kepemimpinan Indonesia; kepentingan nasional.
This study employed mix methods which are descriptive qualitative and quantitative method since it described the phenomena of address terms in Runaway Jury. Moreover, the findings were presented in narrative and description. However, number and percentage was also used to support the analysis of the data.
This study revealed three findings. First, there were seven types of address terms employed in this research. However, the main character employed five types of address terms in his utterances in the movie Runaway Jury. The five types were first name, title plus last name, title, last name, and pet name. The most appearing type of address term was title which occurred 25 times. Then, the second rank was first name with 18 occurrences. After that, title plus last name placed on the third rank which had 10 occurrences. The fourth rank was last name which occurs 2 times. Finally, pet name became the fifth rank since it only occurred once. Second, there were three functions of address terms performed by the main character in Runaway Jury. They were to show intimacy, power differential, and respect. To show respect became the most appearing phenomenon with 36 occurrences. After that, as the second rank, there was power differential with 25 occurrences. Then, intimacy became the third rank with 16 occurrences. Third, this research employed seven social factors that affect the main character of the movie in using certain types of address terms. The seven social factors were particular occasion, rank of other, age, family relationship, occupational hierarchy, transactional status, and degree of intimacy. Particular occasion was the first rank which occurred 34 times. The second and third ranks were transactional status and degree of intimacy with 21 and 18 occurrences. After that, as the fourth and fifth ranks, there were age and rank of other with 10 and five occurrences. Then, the sixth rank was occupational hierarchy which occurred 3 times.
Keywords: sociolinguistics, address terms, Runaway Jury
Kata Kunci: Strategi, Strategi Pertahanan Negara, Diplomasi Pertahanan, ADMM-Plus EWG-CT, Counter-Terrorism