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Turn Simple Supplies You Have into Fabulous Cards!
Turn Simple Supplies You Have into Fabulous Cards! - YouTube
8.2K views · 412 reactions | Top Tip. Losing dies is so frustrating, especially if you never realised it was missing in the first place! Here's what I do. It also works out well when I'm looking for a certain shape that can be used as something else other than what it's made for. Plus, if I'm looking for a certain size shape, say a tiny heart I can flick through and see what I have. #createdtheottaway #Stampinupuk #stampinupdemonstrator #stampinupofficial #Stampinupdemo #cardmakinguk #cardmaker #papercraftsupplies #papercraftersofinstagram #crafttips #craftaddict #craftreels #craftreel #diecutting #diecutcards #creativereel #creativereels #createhandmade #createsomethingspecial | Created the Ottaway
YOU ASKED FOR IT! Another 3D embossing folder technique for you to try
YOU ASKED FOR IT! Another 3D embossing folder technique for you to try - YouTube