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¿Como asar Pavo para que sea jugoso? #cienciaycocina #shorts
¿Como asar Pavo para que sea jugoso? #cienciaycocina #shorts
This may contain: a plate with meat and asparagus being drizzled with sauce
Solomillo de cerdo al Pedro Ximénez 🍖🍷
📝 INGREDIENTES (2 personas): ▪️1 solomillo de cerdo (500-600g aproximadamente) ▪️1 cebolla ▪️200ml de vino Pedro Ximénez (se puede sustituir por otro vino dulce) ▪️250ml de caldo de carne ▪️1 cucharada de maizena o fécula de maíz (diluida en 50ml más de caldo) ▪️Sal y pimienta negra al gusto ▪️Aceite de oliva virgen extra 🔸 Para la guarnición he usado un manojo de espárragos trigueros a la plancha 👨🏻‍🍳 PASO A PASO: 1️⃣ Cortamos el solomillo en rodajas de unos 2cm de grosor. Golpeamos con un cuchillo o espalmador para romper las fibras (la carne resultará más tierna) y hacer las rodajas más delgadas. 2️⃣ Salpimentamos el solomillo por ambos lados y doramos en una cazuela con un buen chorro de aceite de oliva, uno o 2 minutos por lado. Reservamos y en el mismo aceite (podemos agr
Descubre el Secreto para un PAVO TIERNO y JUGOSO PARA ESTA NAVIDAD
Lasagna Navideña vs Receta Tradicional ¿Cuál es la Mejor?
Receta fácil de Carne Mongoliana con un toque único #recetas #carnemongoliana #comidachina
3.7M views · 43K reactions | Asi preparo mi SAZONADOR UNIVERSAL, una mezcla de sabores y olores especial para sazonar tus carnes | By En la cocina con Eldita | I'm going to share with you how I prepare the universal seasoning because I call it that because it's a mixture of spices and flavors that season so many preparations ribs, loin, legs, both baked or grilled, chickens, steaks for many things. These are going to be the ingredients we are going to be using and I am going to be mentioning them to you one by one. The measurement I will be using is a spoonful of approximately fifteen grams. I'm going to be two tablespoons of salt, one spoon of parsley, one spoon of beef seasoning, one spoon also garlic powder, one ground pepper, one paprika, this yellow powder is lemon pepper and these are the special ingredients that you they're going to give this seasoning flavor a spoonful of soluble coffee and a spoonful of chewing sugar or brown sugar believe me you don't have to use sugar and coffee because they're gonna give it a super special flavor and touch as well as smoky. You're going to mix all these ingredients once mixed you're going to take them to a jar of preference. Let it have a cover and seal very well. An airtight jar and there you'll get gold. Long time and now yes you have it ready. To just take out a jar and start to season tenderloins, whatever you want, really that gives a super special flavor to all your meats, that's why I call it universal seasoning because it serves me for many preparations. And name a delicious thing.
This may contain: a man holding a plate with macaroni salad in it
Creamy Macaroni Salad
Macaroni salad is a creamy pasta salad that never disappoints. You can make it with simple veggies and a tangy mayo-yogurt dressing. The result is a delicious summer salad with a cooling crunch and luscious creaminess. You can make it ahead and serve it as a main or side dish for potlucks, picnics, and barbecues. Credit: @theplantbasedschool
Recetas De Cocina Saludables | Receta De Pierna De Cerdo En Salsa De Piña | Facebook
1.6K views · 593 reactions | Chuletas en salsa de ciruela deliciosas #chuletas #chuletasahumadas #salsadeciruela #recetasnavideñas #recetas #reels #viral | Karen Du Du