HGH activity board

177 Pins
Home Hospice - Comforting and Engaging Activities
If your loved one or patient is still engaging in life, have simple activities that you and they can enjoy that bring engagement and comfort.
How Activity Boards Can Help Dementia Patients Stay Engaged
Discover the power of activity boards in keeping dementia patients mentally engaged and calm. Learn how to create simple, effective boards tailored to your loved one's needs, offering meaningful stimulation. Perfect for caregivers seeking creative care solutions.
10 Euphoric Drawing Art Therapy Prompts For Racing Thoughts
Check out these 10 Effortless Art Therapy Prompts to Stop Racing Thoughts, perfect for Expressive Art Therapy Activities, stress relief activities, or a bit of creative self care. Save Pin for Later. Easy Drawing | Sketch Things to Draw | Drawing Ideas
11 Art Activities for Mid Stage Dementia
Engage your loved ones with 11 specially designed art activities for mid-stage dementia. These projects offer a balance of cognitive stimulation and emotional support, helping to maintain connections and provide joy. Perfect for caregivers looking for meaningful and manageable activities.
Gentle Games for Staying Active With Dementia And Limited Mobility - DementiaWho!
Gentle Games for Staying Active With Dementia And Limited Mobility - DementiaWho!
12 Frontotemporal Dementia Symptoms 2024 - ReaDementia
At What Stage Of Dementia Does Sundowning Occur?
How Dementia Affects the 5 Senses, and What That Means for Caregivers
Dementia can blunt a person’s ability to smell, taste, see, hear, and feel. Most people are aware that dementia involves the loss of cognitive abilities. But did you know that dementia also leads to a reduced ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel physical sensations? When a person’s sense of smell and taste are diminished, foods and drinks that were once enjoyed may no longer be appealing, sometimes leading to undereating, weight loss, and malnutrition.
10 Ideas for Crafts - Alzheimer's
Unlock creativity with 10 craft ideas specially designed for individuals with Alzheimer's. These activities are perfect for stimulating the mind, encouraging self-expression, and providing a sense of accomplishment. A great resource for caregivers looking to engage their loved ones in enjoyable, meaningful projects.
Active Residents | Not Just Bingo
Got residents? Need activities? Consider setting up fun "clubs" that allow your senior residents to participate in their favorite hobbies. For instance, set up a Knitting Club for your facility's knitters, where they can meet each week to join one another in a fun activity of knitting.
This may contain: an elderly woman sitting at a table with two men
Bewegen met dementie | Alzheimer Nederland
Briljant idee van bewegingsagoog Joël om op een leuke manier de handfunctie van mensen met #dementie te trainen. Joël: “Want wat zijn je handen en vingers belangrijk. Denk aan tandenpoetsen, aankleden en eten.” Volg het account Bewegen is leven voor meer tips om mensen op een simpele manier in beweging te krijgen. Slimbedachtbijdementie | Bewegen met ouderen | Do it yourself | DIY | Ouderenzorg