Read that Twice

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#toxicrelationships #narcissisticabuse #emotionalabuse #narcissist #toxicpeople #gaslighting #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcissism #toxic #selflove #domesticviolence #healing #abuse #abusiverelationship #traumabonding #manipulation #domesticabuse #love #nocontact #covertnarcissist #relationships #sociopath #mentalhealth #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #divorce #narcissisticabuserecovery #trauma #redflags #psychologicalabuse #toxicrelationship
Try holding yourself accountable to yourself. If you had to give yourself a daily, weekly, or monthly report, would you be proud to talk about what you had done, or would you need to be prettying up things, bullshitting, or lying to keep your job?
Try holding yourself accountable to yourself. If you had to give yourself a daily, weekly, or monthly report, would you be proud to talk about what you had done, or would you need to be prettying up things, bullshitting, or lying to keep your job? #Business #Confidence #Desire
🙊 but yes why can't we all just do this... stop the lies... fake lives... etc