Levels of consciousness

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Having just a good night's sleep is not enough. Did you know that the right sleeping position can positively affect your health, help keep your skin looking young, and boost your digestive health? ⁣⁠ .⁣⁠ Ayurveda advocates sleeping on your left side helps to support the drainage of lymph fluid and waste through the lymph nodes. This is because the left side of our body is the stronger lymphatic side. ⁣⁠ .⁣⁠ According to Vastu Shastra, the traditional Hindu “science of architecture” (India's feng shui), the direction in which your head points while you slumber can determine the quality if your Zs too. Sleep south if you want to experience a heavy and deep sleep. ⁣⁠
Looking to minimize nasolabial folds fast? Try gently circling your tongue inside your mouth; it might make a noticeable difference.
Neck Training!
Looking to minimize nasolabial folds fast? Try gently circling your tongue inside your mouth; it might make a noticeable difference.
White Jade Gua Sha Tools || Skin Care Tools
Take your nightly ritual to the next level by adding this White Jade Gua Sha beauty tool! Simply apply Beauty Oil and let this Renewal Stone work its magic across your face and body-releasing tension and rejuvenating your skin! ♡︎ A Gua Sha massage a few minutes a day on a regular basis can help de-puff and drain unwanted toxins, contour and lift the face, and help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles! It is like giving yourself a mini facelift every day!
Before you run off to use fillers to fill in nasolabial folds, know that fillers DO NOT address or improve the actual causes for such formations. ▪︎ Fillers will NOT release tension build up here or lengthen the shortened muscles that are directly affecting the nasolabial folds formations ▪︎Fillers will NOT release fluid build up here that creates the heavy nasolabial fold look In fact, fillers will add on to fluid build up (already proven that fillers block normal lymph flow) eventually re...
How to have a healthy relationships
Relationships can be truly beautiful. You have a best friend, a life partner. Someone who's there for you on your worst days. But, they also take a huge commitment. Commiting yourself to someone who won't always be happy. Who might complain, or criticize or even judge you at times. Good communication can help you through it all (if it's worth it, of course) But here are SOME of my tips on how to have a healthy relationship.