
179 Pins
Wallpapered Stairwell – Before and After
Stairwell wallpapered with historic William Morris style wallpaper in a colonial era home.
Wallpapered Stairwell – Before and After
Add drama to your home with interior doors painted black. #blackdoors #interiordoors #painteddoors
Tiny Art and Where To Display It
Use plaster nails or a small, but strong nail to hang tiny art on plaster walls. You can gently tap it into the plaster at an angle to hang the most lightweight art.
6 Split Ceiling Medallion Installation Tips
Tips on how to install a split ceiling medallion so that you don't spot the seam.
9 Wood Knob and Pull Ideas For Your Cabinets
9 ways to use wood knobs and pulls in your home for a completely custom look! #knobsandpulls #kitchenideas #farmhousestyle #woodknobs #grannychic #builtinshelves
Nature Art Gallery Wall – Oh, It’s Expanded
Granny chic gallery wall with flower art that wraps a corner for that 'collected over time' look. #gallerywallideas #grannychic #flowerart #stainedglassdoors #traditionaldecor #pumpkinpinefloors
Copper Toe Kick For Built-In Desks
Easily install a copper toe tick under a built-in wall desk to minimize wear and tear. It looks great too! #toekick #coppertoekick #kickplate #officeideas #builtindesk #copper #diyoffice #officedecor
DIY Mission-Style Table Legs from 4x4s
Create an English-style, partialy unfitted kitchen by using a rustic table as a counter. #unfittedkitchen #shakerstyle #devolkitchen #englishkitchen #farmhousekitchen #oldhouses
4 Places I Use Outdoor Rugs Indoors
Outdoor rugs aren't just for the outdoors. Here are four places to use them indoors!
How To Display Running Medals and Race Bibs
Display running medals and race bibs on an old door covered in cork. #runningmedal #racebibs #runningmedaldisplay #trophydisplay #5k #marathon #corkboard
Bedroom Gallery Wall of Nature Paintings
Create a bedroom seating area where you can relax and hang out with recliner chairs, cozy throws, task lighting, and a nature themed gallery wall.
Bedroom Gallery Wall of Nature Paintings
Bring nature indoors with a nature painting gallery wall over a seating area.
Tiny Art and Where To Display It
Hang a tiny painting over a peg rail in a bathroom for sophisticated bathroom art.
Tiny Art and Where To Display It
Don't forget broom closet. Tiny art can dress up the dullest of areas in your home.
Why We Saved Our Vintage Blue Bathroom Tile
How to make vintage blue shower tile look fresh and intentional with accessories and other decor.