Betta Fish

Is My Plakat Betta Fish A Male Or A Female?
If you ever want to breed with Plakat Betta fish, you must know if you have a male or female. Plakat Betta fish don’t have the long flowing fins and tails of the long fin male Betta fish to help quickly identify the sex. Here, I have found the easiest ways to tell the difference.
What Are The Best Live Plants For My Betta Fish Tank?
Betta fish love resting, sleeping, and exploring among plants and their roots. I always find my Betta fry in and amongst the floating plants. Here, I will go through which beginner-friendly plants I know Bettas love interacting with and why some might not be the right choice for your Betta fish tank. Floating And Surface Plants, Plants With Wide Leaves, Smaller Plants And Tall Grass Plants
The Best Betta Fisk Tank Mates
We all want a beautiful Betta fish, but we don’t necessarily want only one fish in our tank. So, what fish can you keep with your aggressive Betta fish to add color and visual interest to your tank? Here, we will answer that question to help you achieve a peaceful community tank. When looking for tank mates for your Betta, looking at fish or invertebrates with similar temperature requirements and companions that aren’t aggressive or territorial is best. Here are a few things you would like to avoid when getting your Betta fish a tank mate: Avoid fish that would nip at your Bettas flowing fins and tail. Avoid putting more than one male Betta into a tank. Avoid adding a male guppy or any fish resembling the male Betta. Avoid faster swimming fish
My Betta Fish Laid Eggs What Do I Do?
The egg-laying process starts with the male building a beautiful bubble nest. Sometimes, females also build nests, but theirs aren’t as impressive as the male’s bubble nest. Spawning will occur with the male and female, and it looks like he wraps his body around the female in quite an aggressive embrace. Unfortunately, I missed all this. As he embraces her, eggs are released, and he swims to catch them and place them in the bubbles. This embrace is continued with catching and placing eggs. Once they are done spawning, you must remove the female from the tank or tub (if you were trying to breed with them). The male sees any other fish as a potential threat to his babies as he catches eggs and places them back into the bubble nest.
28 Types of Betta Fish: Top Colors, Tails & Patterns
Betta fish are well known for their beautiful tails but do you know all the different betta fish tail types out there? Do you know what type of tail your betta fish has? This infographic shows them all.
Betta Fish Care Guide: Habitat, Feeding, and Health
8 Most Common Betta Fish Signs Before They Die
The usual signs that you’ll see in Betta fish before they die are lethargic behavior, can barely swim, loss of appetite, fading colors, etc. In this article, I’m going to discuss the behavior of a Betta fish before death and how to decrease the possibility of death.
How to Treat Betta Fish Swim Bladder Disease | Hepper
Swim bladder disease is common in betta, indeed in all fish. It's mostly preventable, and mostly curable. We have a ton of info on it in this guide. #FishTank #Aquarium #Freshwater #TropicalFish #Betta #BettaFish
7 Best Foods For Betta Fish in 2023 (Reviews)
Just got your Betta Fish and wondering what to feed it? Before you reach out and buy that flake food from the pet store, check a look at my blog post as I go through the best betta food available in hobby. I’ll go through the types of food, look over the best foods available, and tell you how much to feed your betta and what to watch out for when shopping around.