Financial Success & Wellness

Financial Success | Financial Wellness | Getting out of Debt | Financial Freedom | Financial Education | Financial Literacy | Financial Planner
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Are You Living in a Financial Abundance or Scarcity Mindset?
If you're not living in a financial abundance mindset, then you likely have a scarcity mindset. If you're like most people, you probably think in terms of scarcity. You think that bills have to be paid, money to be saved, and scarce resources to be managed. A scarcity mindset is where we believe that we don't have enough or are not good enough. This mindset can lead to stress and negative financial outcomes.
Are You Living in a Financial Abundance or Scarcity Mindset? | Julie Murphy
If you're not living in a financial abundance mindset, then you likely have a scarcity mindset. You think that bills have to be paid, money to be saved, and scarce resources to be managed. A scarcity mindset is where we believe that we don't have enough or are not good enough. This mindset can lead to stress and negative financial outcomes. In this video, I'm talking about switching your mindset and living in a financial abundance mindset so you can achieve your goals.
Bring Your Heart To Work | Julie Murphy
In this video, Julie talks about bringing your heart to work. She tells us to follow our heart and do what we love because heartmath is very important in life. #juliemurphy #heartmath #worklifebalance
My third book, the 4 Spiritual Laws of Money, is making waves.⁠ ⁠ If you are ready to create Real Wealth, this book is for you!⁠ ⁠⁠ Do you want to ensure financial stability and be able to thrive no matter the state of the economy?⁠ ⁠ If you are ready to dive in, you can get your copy of "The 4 Spiritual Laws of Money" today. This week, I’m incredibly excited to share some big news with you!
How to Achieve Freedom and Live a Richer Life at Work with Karyn Pettigrew
Working at a job you hate doesn't have to be the way you live your life. Achieving freedom at work means having control over your own life and career. In this video, I'm talking with Karyn Pettigrew from Beyond Blind Spots about finding the freedom to work at a job that you love and live a richer life in the process.
Signs You're Ready for A Career Change with Karyn Pettigrew
Are you ready to make a career change? If so, you're in the right place! In this video, I'm joined by Karyn Pettigrew of Beyond Blind Spots to talk about the signs that you're ready for a career change and outline some of the steps you need to take to make the transition. This video is perfect for those of you who are looking to start a new chapter in your life.
How to Create A Life of Financial Freedom | Julie Murphy
Let me ask you: what are you choosing to focus on? What are you choosing to energize? So often I work with clients plus observe that many of us (yes, including me - we’re all human here!) choose to focus on the energy of what we don’t want. We stay in a victim mentality and subscribe to the story that the economy, the government, our boss, co-workers, and everyone outside of us are stopping us from creating the life we want to live.
Boost Your Immune System Naturally: The Best Ways to Improve Your Health with Patricia Zimmerman
If you're looking for ways to boost your immune system naturally, then you've come to the right place! Good health does not just land in your lap. It is something one must work towards daily to achieve. It is a commitment worthy of the investment of time in the long run. And it all begins with a healthy immune system. In this video, I'm chatting with Patricia Zimmerman about some of the best ways to improve your health through natural means.
How to Hold Healthy Boundaries at Work | Julie Murphy
How to Hold Healthy Boundaries at Work | Julie Murphy Feeling overwhelmed at work? Struggling to set healthy boundaries? In this video, I'm going to show you how to create a positive work environment and take control of your professional life. She teahes us how to set healthy boundaries at work and protect your mental health. Discover how you can take control of your professional life and create a better balance between work and personal life. #worklifebalance #worklife #juliemurphy
Create a Life That You Love | Julie Murphy and Rachel Cronin
Are you feeling stuck in life and don't know how to move forward? In this video, Julie is going to show you how to create a life that you love and make the most of your time. Discover the secrets of living a meaningful and fulfilling life and start taking action today! Learn how to take control of your life and create the future that you desire. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a positive change in your life! Fear stops many of us from changing the way we are living.
3 Tips to Stay Budget Conscious | Julie Murphy
If you’re constantly questioning how to stay in a budget and hate the process, and are therefore struggling to manage your cash flow, today I want to talk to you about a different and fresh approach. I want you to know that the negative feelings and emotions coming up with your money actually have nothing to do with your budget. It’s all associated with the unfelt emotions you experienced as a child that are now manifesting in the form of how you allocate your money. #juliemurphy
Follow The Energy | Julie Murphy
Follow The Energy | Julie Murphy In this video Julie tells you to follow the energy and don't push yourselves. She teaches you to go with the flow of your energy and follow it. What is meant for you will reach you eventually. #jungkook #energyhealer #awakenyoursoul
How to Shift Your Limiting Beliefs Around Money | Julie Murphy
Here’s the thing; we need to have way more fun around money! I appreciate you might not hear many financial planners say this! Why? Because I observe how so many people are suffering around their money patterns and today, I want to reinforce that it doesn’t have to be that way. When you have more fun when it comes to your money, the incredible thing is that you’ll actually create more of it because you’re aligning energetically with a higher vibration around money.
The Key to Powerful Manifesting | Julie Murphy
How often do you make decisions from your heart? In this post today, I’m really going to encourage you to embrace the idea of dropping into your heart and out of your head. Now, I know that this might feel strange as we’re all so conditioned to make financial and life choices based on what our logical brain says. Every challenge and every decision you want to make, pick your heart first because your heart is what allows you to open up to your most authentic self.
How to Tap Into Your Divine Feminine Power | Julie Murphy
Join Julie Murphy on her Mission to Financially Heal the World and learn how can you step into your Power as a Woman and Step Into YOUR Feminine Energy. So, that you can live a life you've always Dreamed of. #feminineenergy#stepintoyourpower#juliemurphy#divinefeminineenergy