inspiration thoughts

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1.7K views · 5.8K reactions | Putting on the full armor of God is about aligning yourself with His truth and relying on His strength every day. In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul describes the spiritual armor that equips believers to stand firm against challenges and spiritual attacks. Each piece has a specific role, and together they form a defense and offense powered by God. Start with the belt of truth by grounding yourself in God’s Word. Truth is the foundation that holds everything together and helps you navigate life with integrity and clarity. Next, wear the breastplate of righteousness, which protects your heart. This isn’t about your own perfection but trusting in the righteousness of Christ and living in obedience to God. For your feet, put on the shoes of peace by standing firm in the peace that comes from the gospel. Let God’s promises give you confidence, even when circumstances feel chaotic. Hold up the shield of faith, which deflects the enemy’s attacks—doubt, fear, and lies. Trust in God’s faithfulness to protect and sustain you. The helmet of salvation guards your mind, reminding you of your identity in Christ and the hope of eternal life. Finally, take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. This is your offensive weapon, allowing you to fight back against lies and temptation by speaking and believing God’s truth. Prayer is the glue that holds it all together. Stay connected to God through constant prayer, asking for His guidance, strength, and protection. Putting on God’s armor is not a one-time act but a daily discipline. It means choosing to walk in His truth, righteousness, peace, and faith while relying on His promises and the power of His Word. When you wear this armor, you are equipped to stand firm no matter what challenges or spiritual battles come your way. Life can be unpredictable, but God’s strength is unchanging. By trusting in Him and His provisions, you can face each day with confidence, knowing that you are protected, empowered, and ready for whatever lies ahead. Let the full armor of God give you the courage to stand firm and walk in victory. #Jesus #Amen | ✩ Ellie Mont ✩
5.3K views · 6.1K reactions | God’s anointing over your life isn’t just for the assignments He calls you to, but also for the challenges and battles that come with them. Too often, we perceive difficulties as setbacks, but the reality is they serve as confirmation of our calling. When you face opposition, it’s a sign that you’re a threat to the enemy’s plans. The enemy attacks only those who carry something of value. If you’re encountering resistance, it’s likely because God has placed a powerful anointing on you—one that carries divine purpose and impact. Much like David, you have been equipped with everything you need to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. When David was anointed by God, he didn’t instantly step into his role as king without facing tests of strength, wisdom, and discernment. He had to endure hardships, battle giants, and make difficult decisions, but each trial prepared him for greater things. Likewise, the difficulties you face are not evidence of failure but opportunities to strengthen your character and grow in your faith. God has set you apart for victory. His anointing over your life guarantees that no matter what comes your way, you are equipped to overcome. The struggles you face may be intense, but they’re not insurmountable. Stay close to God, and immerse yourself in His Word. It’s the foundation that keeps you grounded when the storms of life threaten to shake you. The same anointing that opened doors for you will sustain you through every trial. Victory is not just about reaching the destination but about the journey of overcoming obstacles along the way. The battles you face refine you, build your resilience, and strengthen your reliance on God. Trust that He will carry you through, for He has already equipped you with the strength, wisdom, and discernment to prevail. Keep pressing forward, knowing that your victory is assured. #Jesus #Love #Amen | ✩ Ellie Mont ✩
3.8K views · 2.6K reactions | You have to love—it’s that simple. Love your kids, even when they make mistakes. They’re learning, and they need your unconditional love to guide them. Love others, no matter their background, their choices, or their past. It’s easy to judge, but remember, Jesus never called us to judge others; He called us to love them. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). Don’t be like the Pharisees who thought they were better than everyone else, because that’s not how Christ wants us to live. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). People will see Jesus through the love you show. When they see something different in you—a love that’s patient, kind, and without judgment—they’ll want to know what’s behind it. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). It’s the love in us that draws others to Christ, not our perfection or our ability to be right all the time. Your love, the way you treat others, is the light that can lead people to Christ. “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Let it shine brightly in everything you do. The Fruit of the Spirit, found in Galatians 5:22-23. 🕊️ 1. Love – Unconditional, selfless care for others. 2. Joy – A deep sense of gladness rooted in faith, not circumstances. 3. Peace – Inner calm and harmony with God, others, and oneself. 4. Patience – Enduring difficulties and delays with grace. 5. Kindness – Showing genuine compassion and concern for others. 6. Goodness – Living a life of integrity and moral virtue. 7. Faithfulness – Loyalty and trustworthiness in relationships with God and others. 8. Gentleness – Humility and consideration in dealing with others. 9. Self-control – Mastery over one’s impulses and desires. #Jesus #Amen #Love | ✩ Ellie Mont ✩
10K views · 3.7K reactions | 2025 ✝️ #christianliving #encouragement #christianmotivation #christianencouragement #christianfyp #fypchristian #bibleverse #bibleverses #christianboy #christiangirl #newyears #newyearsresolution #2025 #resolutions | Garrett Nogan
7 Psalms to Help Calm Anxiety - Free Indeed
Bible Verses in the Psalms to Deal with Anxiety
7 Psalms to Help Calm Anxiety - Free Indeed
7 Psalms to Help Calm Anxiety - Free Indeed | Bible Verses for Anxiety
15K views · 7.7K reactions | Our generation is constantly searching for the next best thing, believing that fulfillment lies in achieving more, owning more, or being more. We idolize success, fame, relationships, and material possessions, chasing fleeting highs in the hope that they’ll give us the lasting happiness we crave. Social media intensifies this cycle, showcasing lives that appear perfect and driving us to compare ourselves to others. We place people, careers, and achievements on pedestals, hoping they’ll give our lives meaning, only to be left feeling empty when they inevitably fall short. This cycle isn’t new; humanity has always wrestled with idolatry. The Bible reminds us in Ecclesiastes that everything under the sun is meaningless apart from God. The things we elevate as idols—wealth, relationships, status—were never meant to carry the weight of our souls. These things may provide temporary satisfaction, but they are fragile and fleeting, unable to satisfy our deepest longings or sustain us through life’s storms. Jesus Christ is the answer because He offers what nothing else can: a relationship that fills the void in our hearts and provides eternal significance. While idols demand our energy, focus, and devotion, leaving us drained and disappointed, Jesus offers rest for the weary and peace for the anxious. He doesn’t require us to earn His love or approval; it’s freely given through His sacrifice on the cross. In John 4, Jesus tells the woman at the well that anyone who drinks the water He provides will never thirst again. That’s what He offers—an eternal satisfaction that no career, relationship, or achievement can rival. Jesus gives us an identity rooted in being children of God, not in what we do or own. When we fix our eyes on Him, the idols lose their grip, and we begin to experience true freedom and joy. Our generation doesn’t need more of the “next best thing.” We need Jesus. Only He can break the endless cycle of striving and disappointment. He fills the void that nothing else can, offering the hope and purpose we’ve been searching for. Instead of chasing after idols that will fade away, we must turn our hearts toward the One who will never fail us. #Amen | ✩ Ellie Mont ✩
199K views · 5.7K reactions | #pray #prayer #prayerworks #prayerwarrior #prayerwarriors #godisfaithful #prayerispowerful #truth #prayerlife #prayfortoday #Godisgood #jesuschrist | Faithful Fellowship