Christmas tree

49 Pins
It’s almost time to make Christmas ✨magic✨ again! Every year, I try to pick a new theme and decorate our Christmas tree in a new, unique way! Last year’s theme was Chinoiserie Christmas with lots of blue and white. I’ve picked my theme for this year, but it has a lot for me to execute! 😅 …because of course it does, because it’s me and I’m extra 💁🏻‍♀️💅🏻 lol. But I just love the holiday season so much - it gives me endless joy and brings back childhood memories! Tell me your theme in the c...
This may contain: some brown paper balls hanging from a ceiling
DIY Christmas Ornamente
Difficulty: Easy • 15 Filter Größe 1 z.B. von Melitta • Kleberoller • Bastelleim • Schnur • Holzperlen (optional) • Glitzer (optional)
DIY Christmas Ornament | Pretty in the Pines, New York City Lifestyle Blog
DIY Christmas ornament supplies🌲, Christmas decor, holiday decor, Christmas, home, Christmas tree, diy | @prettyinthepines, New York City Lifestyle Blog . . . . #Christmas #holidaydecor #diy