Prophecy In History

Journey through history and witness the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Explore historical prophecies, biblical prophets, and their profound impact on civilizations. Trace the timeline of prophecy and prophetic events that shaped our world.
13 Pins
This may contain: a man riding on the back of a brown horse
The Persisn King Who Fulfilled Bible Prophecy | History | Bible | Spirituality | King | Jews
According to the Bible, Cyrus the Great, king of the Achaemenid Empire, was the monarch who ended the Babylonian captivity. In the first year of his reign he was prompted by God to decree that the Temple in Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that Jews who wished to could return to their homeland for this purpose.
This may contain: an open book with the words advanced bible quiz
Advanced Bible Quiz | Bible Scriptures | Christianity | Spirituality | Jesus | God
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This may contain: an old man is reading a book by the river while wearing a turban
Bible Quiz | Bible Study | Bible Scriptures | Bible
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This may contain: an old newspaper with the date thirteen months in 1932 on it's front page
A 13 Month Calendar | Spirituality | Holy Spirit | Jesus | God's Grace | God's Time
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This may contain: blurry photograph of an orange and red object
The Book of Enoch | Godly Men | Spirituality | God's Grace | Bible History & Scripture
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This may contain: the world's most incacesible church abuuna yemaa cth church
The World's Most Inaccessible Church | Spirituality | Ethiopian | Buildings | God
Abuna Yemata Guh is a monolithic church located in the Hawzen woreda of the Tigray Region, Ethiopia. It is situated at a height of 2,580 metres and has to be climbed on foot to reach. It is notable for its dome and wall paintings dating back to the 5th century and its architecture
This may contain: a man in a blue suit and purple tie is sitting down with a microphone to his mouth
Ophanim and the Scattering of Babel | Prophet Uebert Angel | Holy Ghost | Bible | Spirituality
Situated in Genesis 11:1-9, we encounter an odd story that seems to explain why so many languages have formed on earth. In essence, a group of people gathered together (in a disputed location, some say Babylon, to create a tower that would reach the heavens. Essentially, they wanted to become like God. God, seeing this, confuses their language so they can’t communicate with one another and finish the tower.
This may contain: blurry photograph of two people riding bikes on the beach with one holding the other's hand
The Story Of The Nephilim | Bible Stories | Scripture
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This may contain: a man in shorts and a red hat is walking through a mall area with other people
She Shocked Us All | Bible Quiz | Bible
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This may contain: an old man is reading a book by the river while wearing a turban
Bible Quiz | Bible Game | Bible | Godly Games
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This may contain: a man with glasses making a funny face in front of a breaking news sign that says,'it's follow for more on propriety
Prophecy Fulfilled. | End time prophecy | Sign of the times | Bible
Prophecies fulfilled in scripture.
Prophecy In History
Journey through history and witness the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Explore historical prophecies, biblical prophets, and their profound impact on civilizations. Trace the timeline of prophecy and prophetic events that shaped our world.