
garden, veggies, flowers
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171K views · 321 reactions | Grafting plant trick 🌿 | Grafting plant trick 🌿 | By Magic Hands Creations | Facebook
171K views · 321 reactions | Grafting plant trick 🌿 | Grafting plant trick 🌿 | By Magic Hands Creations | Facebook
• Julia • on Instagram: "• Staudenstütze/Rankgitter in 5 Minuten • Momentan fällt in unseren Gärten eine Menge Rückschnitt an, der auf keinen Fall einfach nur in der Tonne landen sollte. Denn daraus lassen sich viele tolle Sachen machen, wie z.B. Kränze, Beeteingrenzngen, Staudenstützen oder wie ich hier kleine Rankhilfen. Davon gibt es unterschiedlichste Formen, ich habe mir die Ruckzuck-Version vorgenommen: Dazu einfach biegsame Zweige auf die gleiche Länge bringen, im Bogen mindestens 5 cm tief in die Erde stecken und an der Schnittstelle verbinden. Jetzt noch ein bisschen Übergangsdeko bis im Mai die Duftwicken hier einziehen werden. Viel Freude beim Nachmachen ♡︎ ☞︎ teile den Beitrag gerne für andere Gartenfreunde in deiner Story ☞︎ um ihn später wieder zu finden speichere i
How to Create a Flower Garden with Cut and Come Again Flowers | Flower Garden | Garden Design
Learn the essentials of creating a vibrant flower garden with cut and come again flowers. Choose a variety of annuals and perennial flowers from our curated list, known for their multiple blooms. Enjoy continuous blooms throughout the growing season with these perfect flowers for cutting. Visit to learn more.
3.1K views · 39K reactions | My latest fencing project at the entrance of my house... . A slightly different style to what I've made previously, inspired by the beautiful work of @peter.dibble.basketmaker using smaller lengths of willow, and closer spacing between the uprights. . All my fencing work is self-taught, I've figured different techniques by studying the work of others through photographs. . One more year of practice on my own property and I'll be happy to start making these Insitu, continuous woven fences for others. . . . #willow #willowweaving #willowfence #weave #wovenfence #wattlefence #cottagecore #cottagestyle #cottagecoreaesthetic #craft #craftsman #handmade #handmadeinnorfolk #creativeideas #creativeinspiration #wicker #fence #woodwork #woodsman #coppice #willowcoppice #norfolk #slowliving #marketgarden #smallscalefarming #permaculturegarden #permaculture #permaculturedesign #mygardentoday | Lawsons Market Garden
3.1K views · 39K reactions | My latest fencing project at the entrance of my house... . A slightly different style to what I've made previously, inspired by the beautiful work of @peter.dibble.basketmaker using smaller lengths of willow, and closer spacing between the uprights. . All my fencing work is self-taught, I've figured different techniques by studying the work of others through photographs. . One more year of practice on my own property and I'll be happy to start making these Insitu, continuous woven fences for others. . . . #willow #willowweaving #willowfence #weave #wovenfence #wattlefence #cottagecore #cottagestyle #cottagecoreaesthetic #craft #craftsman #handmade #handmadeinnorfolk #creativeideas #creativeinspiration #wicker #fence #woodwork #woodsman #coppice #willowcoppice #
West Coast Seeds 🌱 on Instagram: "Have you added herbs to your garden plan this year? Drying your herbs can extend the shelf-life of your harvests, letting you use them even months after harvest. Here’s a quick and easy way to re-purpose an embroidery hoop (or any other circular object) into a drying rack! - - - - #gardenDIY #herbal #herbalism #herbology #herbgardening"
Carey | A home, garden, DIY journey. on Instagram: "Winter gardening hack: Repurpose household items like cardboard, egg cartons and shells, and shredded paper to fill your garden beds. Not only does it save on soil costs, it boosts soil nutrition and gives your garden the leg up it needs! 🌱✨ As for the milk jugs, I will soon begin winter sowing my garden for 2025 using the Jug Gardening method. This was the same method I used last year to start my first ever garden which turned out better than I could have ever hoped for. If you’d like to learn more about how you can repurpose items from your home for use in the garden or would like to learn more about Jug Gardening, comment “gardening” for the link or check out my blog. Just go to the link in my bio, click blog, and go to gardening.
Plant Worlds on Instagram: "Comment “MOSS” to get the seed link sent straight to your DMs 🌸"
Farmstand Inspiration for Homesteaders & Flower Farmers on Instagram: "Easy, friends! You don’t have to grow ALL THE THINGS to make money selling your cut flowers. Focus on simple to grow, heavy producing varieties that don’t require a lot of fuss as the bulk of your cut flower garden. Add in a few extras for pizazz (but no worries if they flop!). This seed order ☝️will set you up for a successful summer filled with 🪣 🪣 of blooms and a colorful, fully stocked farmstand. 🌱Want to know where I order all my cut flower seeds? Comment SEEDS for links! 🌱 Sourcing your seeds from a reputable, high quality company is a huge factor in your success as a grower! Happy seed shopping, friends! . . . #seedstarting #gardenplanning #cutflowers"