1st grade

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UFLI Aligned Games Read and Find Center Lessons 1-34 Science of Reading
This UFLI aligned game is not endorsed by UFLI Foundations nor is it affiliated in any way. No part of this game copies any material found in the UFLI manual. Pratice decoding words with Read and Find Task Cards! Early lessons focus on phonemic awareness. Students find pictures of things with the target sound at the beginning, middle, or end of the word. Task cards with decodable words begin with lesson 8. Students use the skills they've learned to read words and find the matching pictures.
Shake and Spill, Shake & Spill - Numbers 3-20 Print or Digital-Differentiate
Shake & Spill: Have students enjoy this hands on activity as they learn ways to make sums from 3 to 10. Students will quickly begin to learn about different combinations to make numbers in a fun hands on way.
Adding and Subtracting within 5, 10, 20 - Rekenreks Math Centers & Mini-lessons
Rekenreks offer students a hands-on way to illustrate their math thinking, compose and decompose numbers, & establish benchmarks during guided math. Perfect number sense tools, bead racks offer students a hands-on way to show their math thinking.
Fun and Hands-On Number Sense Activities to Boost Kids' Math Skills
numbers represented with base ten blocks on place value mats - building number sense to 20
The Simple Trick to Make Teen Numbers Stick for Your Kindergarten
If you are a kindergarten teacher, you know teen numbers can be tricky! But this simple trick will help you teach teen numbers in a way that actually sticks for your kindergarteners. This trick can be used along with ten frames, composing teen numbers and teaching place value in kindergarten. Find my simple strategy for teaching teen numbers, teen number activities, and guided math activities to help you teach teen numbers so they actually stick for your kindergarten students here.
3 Math Routines to Build Number Sense
Discover 3 number sense routines that you can use instantly in your classroom. These fun math games and activities are ideal for kids in primary and upper elementary grades.
2nd-3rd Grade Multiplication Arrays Worksheets with Repeated Addition
Multiplication Arrays Worksheets for 2nd and 3rd Grades
Multiplication: Using Arrays Worksheets
3 Math Routines to Build Number Sense
Discover 3 number sense routines that you can use instantly in your classroom. These fun math games and activities are ideal for kids in primary and upper elementary grades.
Word Chains
Word chains are an easy but powerful way to build important literacy skills including phonemic awareness, decoding, encoding, AND blending at the exact same time. Dive into word chains and then snag your free list and record sheet so you can get started right away.