Weird Facts

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40 Unusual and Weird Places Around The World
01. In 1999, a 9.3 miles by 17.4 miles geoglyph with 100 feet wide outlines depicting an indigenous man was discovered from the air by a charter pilot in the remote Australian outback. A plaque of an American flag was found buried 5 feet under the nose of the figure. Its origin remains a mystery with no known witnesses to its creation.
45 Astonishingly Unusual Deaths - Part 2
01. In 2016, a 55-year-old woman named Lottie Michelle Belk was fatally stabbed in the chest by a beach umbrella blown by a strong wind. Wind speeds at the time reached 20–25 miles per hour.
25 Weirdest Movies and Songs You Should Know
01. “The Longest, Most Meaningless Movie in the World” is actually the 6th Longest movie in the world. The running time of the movie is 48 hours.
25 Weird Creatures From Around the World
1. The Lake Titicaca water frog is the largest truly aquatic frog in the world. It has a broad, flattened head with a round snout and large eyes. The most distinctive feature of the Titicaca water frog is the extremely loose skin which hangs from its neck, legs, and stomach, giving it a rather ugly appearance.
50 Weird and Ridiculous Laws Around The World
01. It’s illegal to “pursue, shoot, shoot at, poison, wound, kill, capture, trap, collect, molest or disturb” a bald eagle in the United States.
25 Weirdest Facts From History You Surely Weren’t Taught in Schools
01. Genghis Khan would marry off a daughter to the king of an allied nation, dismissing his other wives. Then he would assign his new son-in-law to military duty in the Mongol wars, while the daughter took over the rule. Most sons-in-law died in combat, giving him shield around the Mongol lands.
35 Strangest and Weirdest Cuisines From Around the World
01. A Filipino dish called Pinikpikan specifies beating a chicken to death so that the meat is bloodier and thus more tender.
Mystifying Moments: 41 Weird Facts
01. David Hahn at the age of 17 attempted to build a nuclear reactor in his backyard, which at one point was emitting over 1000 times normal background radiation.
40 More Bizarre Groups Around the World - Part 2
01. The '7 Society' is a secret society at the University of Virginia that is so secret that its members are only revealed after their death.
45 More Bizarre Unsolved Cases - Part 3
01. In 2000, Pope John Paul II himself had to carry out an impromptu exorcism on a 19-year-old girl after she began “screaming insults in a cavernous voice” during an audience with Pope in the Vatican City. Pope and Father Gabriele Amorth (Vatican’s official exorcist) sat with the girl for half an hour and despite their best efforts, she remained possessed. She muttered “not even the head of the church can send me away” as the Pope walked off, defeated.
17 Weirdest Movies and Songs
01. "Taylor Mead's A*s" is a 70-minute long film consisting entirely of a shot of Mead's buttocks which was directed by Andy Warhol.
50 Interesting Facts about Facebook
01. The facial recognition algorithms in use by Facebook outperforms those in use by the FBI.