self-portrait in a few quotes

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”Find what you love and let it kill you” Charles Bukowski
Charles Bukowski quotes This is somewhat how i think Chrissy feels. She seems unsure of the gentle and kind touch of my hand.
Introverts love people, but need solitude to recharge. I think it's because they feel everything deeply; people's hurts, pains, anxieties, everything. And they have to go away and process all they've absorbed, because of the love they have for those around. It's not easy to be like a kidney, filtering everything.
Bits of Truth... all quotes
Wish I could show this to a certain someone & have it actually sink in. Impossible though.
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Charles Bukowski More
Quotes 'nd Notes
Charles Bukowski via (
Sometimes you need little quotes to pick you back up on an "off" day.. ❤
Getting Old Is Number One On My Bucket List
Getting Old Is Number One On My Bucket List -- Actually, it is the only item on my bucket list. I think bucket lists are usually so selfish, and made by typical consumer baby boomers "before I die, I want to visit such and such countries, I want to do buggie jumping etc etc" all that consumer crap! How about, before I die, I want to help people, I want be kinder to others, etc ?
21 Powerful Quotes That Capture The Magic Of Music
21 Beautiful Reflections About Music From Legendary Musicians. Does this explain why all of Tom Waits' songs are so depressing? XD
Unless given reason to believe otherwise, I trust everything you say.