Throne Room Connect

People that need prayer
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The power of the Holy Spirit is God's gift to believers
Act 2:24
Walk the walk
James 2 :26
Be Sold out for Jesus
1 Peter 2:21
People see your faith by your actions
James 2:20
Heavenly treasurer is leading others to Christ
1 Thessalonians 2:19
The Gospel is a love story
Titus 3:4
The Holy Spirit will reveal God's word
2 Corinthians 3:3
It all starts with repentance
Matthew 3:2
God's timing is perfect
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Seek God and you will find joy
Acts 2:28
God's will is absolute and his blessings are endless
Daniel 2:23
Share your joy with others
Philippians 2:18
The Gospel message is about Peace
Ephesians 2:17