Math Topics

61 Pins
4 Sections
fun & Easy One-to-One Correspondence Activities with a Five or Ten
Download these math free printables to create one-to-one correspondence activities for your kids. Ideas to customize the five and ten frames are included. This is fun for math centers in preschool and pre-k. The counting activity can be customized for any theme or lesson plans (from back to school, Dr. Seuss, or animals) and fall, winter, spring.. any season. Use with pom poms, play dough, mini erasers, etc. your kids will love these fun, Meaningful, hands-on ideas via @Early Learning Ideas
Counting with blocks
Counting with blocks (cognitive): Children will be given number cards and Legos and they will stack the number of Legos based on the cards (if the card says 4 stack 4 Legos) Guideline: PK.CC.3. Understand the relationships between numerals and quantities up to ten.
Apple Number Sequence Cookie Sheet Actvity - $1.00 : File Folder Heaven - Printable, Hands-On Fun with File Folder Games
The Apple Number Sequence Cookie Sheet Activity is an apple or fall themed activity. In this cookie sheet activity, students arrange the numbers in numerical order. The numbers can be arranged in both ascending and descending order to provide two ways to practice sequencing.
Domino Line-Up Preschool Math Activity - Busy Toddler
Domino Line-Up Preschool Math Activity - Busy Toddler