Beginning of the year

682 Pins
Homework Lottery - Free Download!
The Homework Lottery is a super simple system that will get your students excited to turn in their homework. The best part about this idea, is you don’t even need to spend any money out of pocket if you don’t choose to! Check out our blog post for your free download and some amazing ideas to implement this new Homework Lottery system in your classroom today!
How to Have a Star Student of the Week - The Mountain Teacher
Star student of the week is a great way to build classroom community while also boosting student morale at the same time.
Table Signs for Class Management
Updated to include a Spanish version! I like to use these table awards as a way to teach my students how to use team work to get things done. The quietest crew award is for tables who are working quietly. So many times, my students are talking so loudly that it becomes hard to focus or conduct small groups. This has helped my students learn to really pay attention to how they are speaking. I have noticed it has also helped them work as a team. I have let the quietest table pick a new quietest ta
First Day of School Activities for Big Kids - Teaching with a Mountain View
Teaching With a Mountain View: First Day of School Activities for Big Kids