teaching health ideas

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Heart Anatomy For Kids | Printable & Resources
Studying the human heart anatomy is fun and easy with this great printable resource and selection of fun books. I heart this subject! #Homeschoolscience #kindergartenscience #humananatomy #heartanatomy #homeschoolprintables #christianhomeschool #humanheart #kidsscienceactivity #anatomyprintable
Common Bladder Habits
Do not limit your overall fluid intake. Most people think that if they drink more fluids, they will urinate and leak more. The problem with this is that decreasing fluids will cause your urine to be more concentrated, which will irritate the lining of the bladder and cause you to feel more urgency and potentially experience more leakage. The general rule to follow is to try to consume at least 50% of your body weight in fluid ounces of liquid daily.
Which Natural Treatments Work For Urinary Tract Infections In Kids?
Urinary tract infections occur at any age. Natural treatment is great for adults & teens. For kids & babies I often recommend antibiotics.