Motivation & affirmation quotes

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Reminder | you're worried that things might not work out. But what if they did? Would you try then?
Reminder | Be the kind of friend you want to have in your life
Motivation | if you're lacking motivation ...imagine how far you can get by the end of the year if..
if you start right now
Creativity | Reminder | Creative people need time to sit around and do nothing
Quote from Austin Kleon
Reminder | Motivation | Work on your mindset first & everything will sort itself out after
Motivation | Be willing to fail, because that's the only way to move forward & make progress
Reminder | Motivation
the sooner you start believing in yourself, the sooner you'll start seeing results. Self-doubt isn't doing you any favors.
Reminder | Motivation | Restart. Reset. Refocus. As many times as you need to.
Motivation | Quote | when you focus on the good the good gets better
Affirmation | Manifestation | Motivation | I have the power to change my life at any moment
Affirmation | Manifestation | I can do, be and have anything I want in this life.
Reminder | Motivation | you deserve something you don't have to question
Quote from r.h. Sin. Motivation
Motivational reminder | Invest in yourself and believe in yourself. You got this