The Dog Ate My Homework

12 Pins
7 Insider Tips to Rock Your Freshman Year
7 Insider Tips to Rock Your Freshman Year | Her Campus |
Setting Goals Family Home Evening Lesson + Kit | Live Craft Eat
looking for a great way to teach your kids & older kids/teenagers about goal setting? get these free printable family home evening kits! there are 2 sets: one for older kids/teenagers, and a more simplified version for younger kids. each kit includes suggestions for scriptures, quotes, stories/talks, handouts, songs, and activities. all of them free and printable, of course!! |
Teaching Time Management for Teens
Time management for teens doesn't come easily for everyone. Here are some steps to build accountability and responsibility in time management. -
Free Printable Student Binder
Super cute binder with tons of free printables! There are some that would work for non-students as well! I'm going to be so organized this year! | JustAGirlAndHerBl...
5 Effective Study Tips for High School from Our Students
#ded318 #WeAreEdCats Effective Study Tips for Stressed High Schoolers
Studying How to Study [Infographic]
Studying studying. It make sense. Not for 2nd graders obviously! High schooler needs to see this!!
How to Study and Take Notes from a Textbook
How to Study and Take Notes from a Textbook - perfect for middle school students.
study-hack: Ways to studyBasically, studying has 2 components: what you do in class and what you do outside of class. Look at this older post for some explanations!Happy studying!*Keep those GIVEAWAY submissions coming, I love reading them! Giveaway ends on May 16!*
The world's gonna happen anyway.
Note taking tips I love learning new note taking techniques. More
How to write an essay keep handy this college degree! And switch the milkshake for something red that rhymes with swine!
14 Things To Do In Between Your College Classes
Learn what to do with that awkward amount of time in between your college classes and beat boredom in college!