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Stained Glass Window Christmas Fruit Cake — Kulinary Adventures of Kath
Stained Glass Window Christmas Fruit Cake — Kulinary Adventures of Kath
كيكة البرتقال ب 3 طبقات باردة ومنعشة /تحلية بالبرتقال اقتصادية وراقية
كيكة بارتفاع 13 سم ب 3 بيضات كيك الشاي اليومي كيك هش خفيف مثل الغيمة | كيكة بارتفاع 13 سم ب 3 بيضات كيك الشاي اليومي كيك هش خفيف مثل الغيمة المكونات: ثلاث بيضات كوب ونصف سكر (وضعت كوبين ) حسب الرغبة ملعقة كبيرة فانيلا... | By ‎قمر مشرف‎ | Bring out the regular cake. The fragile white gentleman tea cake that we and the kids are used to eating. Way or no simpler. Light cake, sponge and with a height of Santi. Please don't forget to press the like button. Share this video with your friends, subscribe to my channel and activate the notification bell. The beginning and the most important step is milk, eggs and yogurt, which is milk. They have to be at the temperature of the place. We take it out of the fridge an hour ago. We set the oven temperature to one hundred seventy hundred and eight hundred only from the bottom. Regarding the template, I will use the home template of our colleges, the empty one from the middle. We use aluminum mold, which is the best types for making cakes. Finna use any template we got With me a tablespoon of butter. With the temperature of a place. And a spray will cover the edges or walls for the mold and floor. Two tablespoons of flour. I'm going to conquer this. On the mold and get rid of the flour loser. Can we paint ah heart. With two large spoons of Hrda, which is Rashi or Tahini. As long as we have no butter. But butter and flour. Stinginess to the heart, it comes out faster and better with me after bread. Deep buttery start with the dry palm. 3 cups of flour multi-purpose flour. I used a 250mm cup measuring cup. With a soft stream It is necessary to palm the dry materials because it distinguishes the fragility of the cake. Giving me sponge cake smash Three quarters of a glass of starch means only a quarter of a glass. From the stature . The starch will also give me a very great texture for the cake. A tablespoon and a half of baking powder or dessert yeast. I am going to take all this dry stuff I have. With a heart of dry matter with a thread on the side. Deep, I have three eggs, if the size of my eggs is big, I will add another egg, so I have four eggs. Since the eggs are small, I added an extra grain, so I have four. I will add a simple sprinkle of salt on the eggs. At a high speed, I will start whipping eggs until I have foam. Gradually going down one and a half cups of cereal sugar in about two batches. This is the first batch and the beating breaks at high speed. I added sugar and I will keep whipping at high speed until I get a light creamy white mixture. A mixture of eggs, white sugar and cream, do you see how it is? Beat him for about four minutes. He will add three quarters of the cup, meaning a glass of only a quarter of oil. Oil will gradually go down. And the velocity went down to the mid. Guest now a tablespoon of vanilla. A tablespoon of vinegar Any kind of vinegar, it works. 2 tablespoons of yogurt Must be at place temperature. Finna warm it up with milk Aza was so cold. Beating at medium speed for just a minute. Guest now a glass and a half of liquid milk. This is the measuring cup that I used. Lent him a cup and half. At medium speed, beating for only half a minute. Guest now dry material on two batches. Combine all this talk with a hand bat. From the bottom to the top. And what will become of an adult. They just disappear and disappear The guest of the 2nd batch This is the shape of the cake. See how he worked out the mixture. Smooth. Pouring out cake mix A couple of ways of my mold for air. Into the oven. And it's the cake mashallah. Took me about thirty minutes for three thirty minutes. Look at the beauty. See the right steps. And the right amounts. As God willed. The scent of vanilla .... Played the house . Gotta let it cool down Surely, we test maturity by inserting a wooden stick in the middle. Look, God willing, but the oud is dry. We got it together. I leave this on the counter for about ten minutes so I can appreciate my heart. This cake is cold, I have a heart attack. We can't beat them as soon as they come out of the oven until they are broken. With a lift of the cast. As God willed. I have nothing burnt, nothing sticky, and nothing broken. This cake look at the color. And it's the cake after it cooled down. It's as far as I can cut him off and let him go. The heart from inside the heart of the cake is fragile. His light color is light. Look what Allah wished. Hush hood, hush hood, crazy color from the inside.
كيكة بارتفاع 13 سم ب 3 بيضات كيك الشاي اليومي كيك هش خفيف مثل الغيمة | كيكة بارتفاع 13 سم ب 3 بيضات كيك الشاي اليومي كيك هش خفيف مثل الغيمة المكونات: ثلاث بيضات كوب ونصف سكر (وضعت كوبين ) حسب الرغبة ملعقة كبيرة فانيلا... | By ‎قمر مشرف‎
كيكة البرتقال الشهيه بخلاط الكوكتيل مع صوص خاص للكيكه وصفه مميزه تابعوها من أطيب الوصفات Orange Cake
كيكة البرتقال الشهيه بخلاط الكوكتيل مع صوص خاص للكيكه وصفه مميزه تابعوها من أطيب الوصفات - YouTube
This may contain: a bundt cake with oranges on the side sitting on a table next to sliced oranges
كيكة البرتقال مع الصوص 🍊
كيكة البرتقال مع الصوص 🍊 • . • المقادير 🌺 • ٣ بيضات • ١و١/٤ كوب سكر • ٣/٤ كوب زيت • ١و١/٤ كوب عصير برتقال • ١ ملعقة صغيرة بشر برتقال • فانيلا • . • . • المقادير الجافة 🌺 • ٣ أكواب دقيق • ١ ملعقة كبيرة باكينج باودر • . • . • للوجه 🌺 • ١ كوب عصير جاهز ( عصير سيزر بالجزر ) • ٢ ملعقة كبيرة سكر • ١ ملعقة كبيرة نشا • . • . • الطريقة 🌺 • ١- نخلط البيض والسكر والفانيلا بخلاط الكهرباء حتى يصبح مثل الكريمة • ٢- نضيف الزيت ونصف العصير • وننخل الطحين والباكينج باودر ونضيفه على الخليط مع باقي العصير وبشر البرتقال وبمجرد أن يمتزج نتوقف عن الخلط • ٣- ندهن القالب بالزبدة بغزاره ونصب فيه الخليط • ٤- ندخلها بالفرن مسخن على درجة ١٧٠ من أعلى وأسفل مروحه لمدة ٥٠ الى ٥٥ دقيقة ونخرجها ونتركها ربع ساعه ثم نقلبها ونقدمها مع الصوص • ٥- لعمل الصوص نخلطه وهو بارد ثم نضعه على النار
cakeaty on Instagram‎: "🍏VS 🍊? كيكه البرتقال؟ والا التفاح؟ الحجم واحد السعر ١٠دك كيكه التفاح بالدارسين كيكه البرتقال(باوند كيك) بالبرتقال المكرمل الطلب قبل يوم"‎
‎Hayat 🌷 حياة‎ on Instagram‎: "Orange cake 😋 كيكة برتقال بتشهي @hayat.nour92 Cake ingredients A cup and a half of sugar 1 tbsp of orange zest 4 eggs 1 tsp of vanilla 1 cup of oil 1 cup of orange juice Two and a half cups of flour 1 tbsp of baking powder A pinch of salt Sauce amounts 1 cup of orange juice Sugar as desired 1 tbsp of corn flour Recipe The first thing you mix is ​​the orange zest with the sugar very well Then you beat them with eggs and vanilla very well until the texture becomes smooth and light. Then you add the oil and orange juice and beat them, and the last thing is the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt. The most important thing is that they are well sifted so that there are no lumps in the cake, and you grease the mold very well with butter. As for the
كيكة الرمل/بلقيس الحيدري
كيكة الرمل/بلقيس الحيدري