cermin dinding

11 Pins
Spiegel | Maisons du Monde
Spiegel aus goldfarbenem Metall, 66x55cm ZALIA | Maisons du Monde
Metal Contemporary Wall Mirror - Black / 27 x 27 x 2
Add a touch of gold luxury in your boho inspired living space with this boho style rectangular gold metal wall mirror because being laid-back, does not mean you have to sacrifice elegance. This metal wall mirror showcases a stunning gold rectangular frame bordered with more rectangular frames in an abstract manner. The polished gold finish is also complemented by the highly reflective glass mirror at the center of this piece. This would turn your boho inspired living space into an instant carefr
Latest Mirror Designs For Walls
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Artemis Original Handcrafted Art Deco Over Mantle Wall Mirror in Gold - 90cm x 65cm
The Artemis Original Art Deco Over Mantle wall mirror has been exclusively designed and handcrafted by Mirror Mania in our Norfolk workshop.The Artemis wall mirror encompasses the timeless, classic art deco look and will create a stylish addition to any home.Featuring a central shaped panel, bordered by three stepped sections on either side, all finished with a gold trim.As this mirror will be handmade to order, you have option to: Change the glass frame to a colour of your choice Change the tri
Tlp/WhatsApp :081295827717 . Cermin dinding,cermin ukir,cermin klasik,cermin hias,cermin
Cermin Dinding Minimalis LED Touchscreen Asli Jepara
Jual Cermin Dinding Minimalis LED Touchscreen Asli Jepara Hanya Di JAF! ☎ 082323303666 ❤️ Bergaransi ✅ Harga Murah ✅ Terpercaya ⭐ Berkualitas Material Rangka : Kayu Mahoni Finishing : Waterbased Desain : Minimalis Modern Ukuran : 50 x 80 Cm Kode Produk : 130204 Bebas Custom Grafir
Beveled Wall Mirror M04 WD056
Kamu tidak perlu khawatir jika memiliki ruangan kecil, karena kamu bisa menambahkan cermin hias pada sebuah rumahmu. Efek cermin bisa memantulkan cahaya sehingga membuat ruangan lebih terlihat luas. Beveled Wall Mirror terbuat dari bahan kaca, bermotif wajik, jadi sangat cocok di jadikan hiasan dinding dalam ruang tamu maupun ruang keluarga. Tempelkan cermin Beveled Wall Mirror di bagian atas sova, agar ruangan semakin menawan. Size : 150 cm x 100 cm